
  • 网络Infrared Optical Fiber;infrared fibers;PIR-Fiber
  1. 用红外光纤传感技术测量液体的浓度

    Infrared Optical Fiber Sensor for the Measurement of Solution Concentration

  2. 船舶红外光纤感烟装置及火灾监测研究

    The Research of Infrared Optical Fiber Smoke Detector and FPSO Fire Monitoring

  3. 使用带近红外光纤探头附件红外光谱仪鉴定翡翠B货

    Identification of B jade by FTIR spectrometer with near-IR fibre-optic probe accessory

  4. 红外光纤与PbS红外探测器耦合研究

    Coupling research of infrared optical fiber and PBS infrared detector

  5. 远红外光纤材料MnF2-BaCl2系玻璃的结构

    The Structure of a New Type Infra-red Optical Fibre Material MnF_2-BaCl_2 System Glass

  6. 2m长As-Se-Te玻璃红外光纤传像束

    Meter length IR coherent bundle of As-Se-Te glass fibers

  7. 性质研究表明,AlF3·LnF3·MeF2系玻璃可以成为优良的红外光纤和红外光学材料。

    The result indicates that the AlF_3-LnF_3-MeF_2 glass system is a new excellent material for Infrared optic and infrared optical fibers .

  8. 硫系玻璃红外光纤的特性和应用研究

    The properties and application research of chalcogenide glass infrared optical fibers

  9. 红外光纤零色散波长的测量和计算

    The Measurement and Calculation of Zero Dispersion Wavelength in Infra-red Fiber

  10. 双波段红外光纤增透膜的研究

    Research on the Double Waveband Infrared Antireflection Coating for Optical Fiber

  11. 傅里叶变换中红外光纤光谱法用于腮腺肿瘤的检测

    Detecting Tumor of Parotid Gland Using FT-mid-IR Fiber Optics Spectroscopy

  12. 硫系玻璃红外光纤芯料的研究

    Study on chalcogenide glasses as cores of infrared optical fibers

  13. 卤化银多晶红外光纤显微结构与相关性能的研究

    Microstructure and Properties of Silver Halide Polycrystalline Infrared Fiber

  14. 红外光纤式辐射测温技术在发电设备中的应用

    The Application of Technology of Radiation Thermometry with Infrared Fiber in Power Plants

  15. 多通道扫描型红外光纤气体测量系统研究

    Study on the multi-channel scanning fiber-optic infrared spectrum system for measuring gas concentration

  16. BRW-1H高精度比色红外光纤温度计的研制

    The development of BRW-1H infrared 2-color thermometer with high-accuracy

  17. 最后,对中红外光纤激光器的发展前景进行了展望。

    Finally , the development trends of the mid-infrared fiber lasers are prospected .

  18. 基于红外光纤多液层检测系统的研究与设计

    Research and Design of Multi-layer Liquid Detector Device Based on Infrared optical fiber Sensors

  19. 测温用硫系玻璃红外光纤

    Chalcogenide Glass IR Fiber for Temperature Measurement

  20. 栽培稻叶片近红外光纤漫反射光谱的抗旱性鉴定分析

    Identification and Analysis of Rice Drought Tolerance Using Near Infrared Diffuse Reflection Spectra of Leaves

  21. 氟化物玻璃红外光纤

    Fluoride Glass Infrared Transmitting Fiber

  22. 晶体红外光纤的发展

    Developments in IR Crystal Fibers

  23. 清洗试验分别采用红外光纤激光器以及紫外的三倍频Nd:YAG激光器。

    IR fiber laser and UV frequency tripled Nd : YAG laser were used in laser cleaning .

  24. 中红外光纤技术用于口腔肿瘤在体原位检测的研究

    In Vivo and Rapid Detection of the Malignancy Tumor of Oral Tissues Using Mid-FTIR Fiber Optics Spectroscopy

  25. 中红外光纤技术用于腮腺肿瘤诊断的研究

    A study of the diagnosis of salivary gland tumors by means of mid infrared optical fiber technique

  26. 氟化玻璃中红外光纤

    Fluoride glass mid-infrared fiber

  27. 中红外光纤光谱法用于甲状腺肿物的体表、在体及离体检测研究

    Detection of the Thyroid Tumor via Percutaneous , in vivo and in vitro Examination Using FT-mid-IR Fiber Optics Spectroscopy

  28. 本文综述了硫系玻璃红外光纤的材料特性和应用研究,并展望了该材料的发展前景。

    The properties and application research of chalcogenide glass infrared optical fibers are reviewed in this paper , and the prospects of this material are presaged .

  29. 如果能继续降低红外光纤的传输损耗,增大优质光纤维长度,制备出适用的低噪声探测器,那么,红外光纤在上述领域的应用价值将更大,也将会开拓出更广阔的应用领域。

    With the development of IR fiber of IR fiber of higher quality and corresponding lower noise detector , it will broaden its application in many fields .

  30. 清洗试验结果表明,红外光纤激光器由于热作用较为明显,会对宣纸基底造成烧蚀损伤,不适用应用于宣纸基底霉菌清洗。

    The results of fiber laser cleaning experiment show that fiber laser is not suit of removal the mildew on the rice paper due to the thermal effect .