
  1. 蒸;焖例句今天的红烧茄子很好吃。

    The braised eggplant is delicious today .

  2. 一道红烧茄子就要用20只鸡的卵巢炼出来的鸡油来做,因此未来可能不会发展出特许经营。

    At 20 ovaries per dish of braised eggplant , there may be no franchise in its future .

  3. 还有以茄子和碎猪肉末为料做成的“红烧茄子”,以及“回锅肉”,也都非常美味。

    The pork dishes , like braised eggplant served withground pork and chilis ( h ó ngsh ā o qi é zi ) and the twice-cooked pork ( hu í gu ō ru ò ) , are also very good .