
  • 网络Red sister-in-law;Sister Hong
  1. 由沂蒙红嫂引伸出来的红嫂精神是沂蒙精神的象征性标志之一。

    The Red Sisters-in - law Spirit is one of the symbols of Yimeng Spirit .

  2. 沂蒙女性孕育了红嫂精神,红嫂精神激励着沂蒙女性。

    The Yimeng women gestate the " Red Sisters Spirit ", and " Red Sisters Spirit " encourages the Yimeng women .

  3. 闻名遐迩的沂蒙红嫂是沂蒙山区广大妇女拥军支前的光辉形象,是革命战争年代沂蒙女性的群体形象。

    The famous " Yimeng Red Sisters " is the brilliant image of Yimeng women supporting the army and the front . It is the collective images of Yimeng women in the revolutionary period .

  4. 这次运动会将于8月26至28号在山东莒南举行,军事演练中的特色项目包括手榴弹比武、独轮车支前、红嫂救伤员和胜利的军旗。

    The Games , to be held in Junan , Shandong province , from Aug26-28 , feature events seen during military drills including grenade throwing , mono-wheel carting , life-saving , and mountain climbing .

  5. 红嫂精神具有明显的地域文化特征、民族文化特征和女性文化特征。这与中华民族几千年来的优秀传统文化和国民性格是有着割不断的血缘联系的。

    The Red Sisters-in-law Spirit has obvious characteristics of regional culture , national culture and feminine culture , which has close blood relationship with millenniums of outstanding traditional culture and national disposition of the Chinese nation .

  6. 红嫂精神尽管是沂蒙精神的重要部分与载体,但是它也有许多为自身所独有的特殊规定性,比如它突出地表现为一种群体文化、女性文化。

    Although " Red Sisters Spirit " is an important part and carrier of Yimeng spirit , it also has some unique features , for instance , it prominently exhibits a kind of collective culture , female culture .

  7. 指出,沂蒙红嫂精神诞生于战争年代,成长发展于建设时期,并随着实践的发展而不断地丰富和发展。

    It is pointed out that Yimeng " Red Sisters Spirit " was born in the wartime , and it grows and develops in the construction period , and enriches and develops ceaselessly with the development of practice .

  8. 加强对红嫂精神的探讨,既是对沂蒙精神深化和具体化的必然要求,也是展现红嫂精神独有魅力和特有价值的内在需要。

    Reinforcing the exploration of " Red Sisters Spirit " is not only the necessary requirement to deepen and specify Yimeng spirit , but also the inner need to demonstrate the unique charm and value of " Red Sisters Spirit " .

  9. 本文主要从四个方面对沂蒙红嫂群体及红嫂精神内涵进行了详细而又全面的阐述。第一章详尽介绍了红嫂这一称谓的由来。

    This dissertation , mainly from four aspects , makes a detailed and comprehensive elaboration of " Yimeng Red Sisters " and the connotation of " Red Sisters Spirit " . The first chapter introduces in details the outcome of the addressing term " Red Sisters " .