
  • 网络chips
  1. 大米、碎面、小麦、玉米次之;

    The husked rice , the noodle , the wheat and the corn were the second ;

  2. 不是说我炒起来味道不错我当然不会被炒啦,我可以帮忙碎面�

    Not I cook well , I won 't be in it , I could make breadcrumbs .

  3. 适合包装颗粒,膨化食品,也适用碎干吃面、瓜子、白砂糖、花生等较大物品中剂量的包装。

    It is suitable for packaging of granular crushable items , pyro-extension food , precess noodles , melon-seeds , granulated sugar and peanuts in normal quantity .

  4. 冰塞洪水,大量冰花与碎冰在盖面冰下集聚,造成上游水位显著壅高的现象。

    Ice jam flood : a lot of frazil ices and crushed ices gather under the covering ice , causing heading up of water level of upper reach .