
  • 网络Sac
  1. 能否有效地检验SAC(多碎石沥青混凝土)级配是否形成骨架密实结构或是处于哪种骨架结构状态(悬浮、一般、紧密)是SAC级配设计方法的关键所在。

    The key step in SAC gradation design is validation of the verification of SAC gradation 's skeleton and dense structure status .

  2. 多碎石沥青混凝土路用性能的研究

    Study on Stone Asphalt Concrete Performance

  3. 本文中用页岩陶粒替代碎石拌制沥青混凝土,铺筑公路面层。

    In this paper , shale ceramsite are used to replace crushed stone in asphalt concrete paving the road surface .

  4. 另一方面大粒径沥青碎石基层可以与沥青混凝土面层粘结牢固,并且由于其模量接近,路面结构受力更均匀。

    On the other hand , Large-size asphalt treated base can adhere well to the above asphalt concrete and the pavement structure can distribute the distress evenly because of the little difference between the two layers in modulus .