
  • 网络Debris cloud
  1. 超高速碰撞碎片云的激光阴影照相技术

    Laser shadowgraph for the visualization of hypervelocity impact debris cloud

  2. 超高速撞击航天器二次碎片云能量特性分析

    Characters on kinetics energy of debris cloud in spacecraft

  3. 通过在SPH程序中加入速度矢量子程序,获得了碎片云速度矢量分布。

    The velocity vector figures of debris clouds are presented through adding the subroutine of velocity vector in SPH program .

  4. 采用大型动力学软件Ls-dyna中的SPH求解器,对球形弹丸超高速碰撞靶板的过程进行数值模拟。给出由于碰撞速度不同,而引起的不同的碎片云图像,以及不同的靶板破碎孔的尺寸。

    Based on the gridless SPH numerical technique of Ls-dyna hydrocode , the characteristics of debris clouds originating from impact of spherical projectile on the plate at different velocities were simulated .

  5. 航天器与短期空间碎片云碰撞概率算法

    Algorithms of Collision Probability between Spacecraft and Short-Term Debris Clouds

  6. 得到了超高速斜碰撞碎片云速度矢量分布。

    The velocity vector figure of debris clouds of oblique hypervelocity impacts is presented .

  7. 碎片云撞击密封舱穿孔对其内压力和温度影响研究

    Effect Investigation of Debris Cloud Hypervelocity Impact Perforation on Pressurized Module Interior Pressure and Temperature

  8. 并分析了碎片云动力学计算预示结果及这些试验中金属板的损坏。

    Computational predictions of the debris cloud dynamics and plate damage for these experiments were analyzed .

  9. 空间碎片云演变过程的阶段划分

    Orbital debris clouds evolution phase definition

  10. 给出由于碰撞速度不同,而引起的不同的碎片云图像,以及不同的靶板破碎孔的尺寸。

    Characteristics of debris cloud produced by normal impact of spherical projectile on thin plate shield ;

  11. 在航天器轨道和碎片云中心轨道都确定情况下,研究了碰撞概率的一般算法;

    General methods for calculating impact probability are introduced in the case that orbit errors are not considered .

  12. 通过模型计算,结果表明:碎片云撞击密封舱舱壁穿孔造成其内大气压力和温度的变化趋势具有相似性;

    The calculation results show that the change tendency of module interior atmosphere pressure and temperature has similarity ;

  13. 应用质量、动量、能量守恒方程,计算碎片云模型中引入的待定参数。

    By using mass , momentum and energy conservation equations , parameters introduced in debris cloud model are determined .

  14. 碎片云速度特性分析表明前端速度与碰撞速度成线性关系。

    The analysis of the velocity characteristics shows that the front velocity has a linear change with the impact velocity .

  15. 在超高速正碰撞的基础上,进一步对超高速斜碰撞碎片云特性作了数值研究。

    Following the analysis of the normal hypervelocity impact , the characteristics of debris clouds obtained by oblique hypervelocity impacts are simulated .

  16. 综合利用理论分析、实验研究与数值模拟手段,提出了碎片云各组成部分的质量计算模型。

    By a comprehensive consideration on theoretical , experimental and numerical results , a mass calculation model on different parts of debris cloud is raised .

  17. 轨道摄动力消除了结点和结线,导致碎片云的全方位弥漫,并最终使碎片云趋于球壳形。

    The orbital perturbation differences of each debris in clouds eliminate the pinch region and induce the omnibearing spreading and the final figuration of the shell .

  18. 为研究超高速碰撞过程中所产生碎片云的特性,在中国空气动力研究与发展中心超高速碰撞靶上建立了激光阴影照相系统。

    To visualize the hypervelocity impact debris cloud a laser shadowgraph system has been set up on the hypervelocity impact range of Hypervelocity Aerodynamics Institute , CARDC .

  19. 后一个程序给出了当一个空间物体进入碎片云时的撞击概率。

    The former program determines the event 's breakup characteristics , which the latter determines the probability of collision when a resident space object enters the debris cloud .

  20. 通过与实验数据比较,该算法模拟的碎片云的形状及特征与实验相吻合,验证了光滑粒子法对冲击动力学问题数值模拟的有效性。

    The characteristics of the simulated debris clouds are in agreement with the experimental results , which show that SPH method is effective in modeling the hypervelocity impact problems .

  21. 这个很有趣的结果指出,大质量恒星爆炸所产生的碎片云,其外观和某些小质量恒星所产生的行星状星云相似。

    The intriguing result implies that the massive star 's explosion has produced a shape similar to what is seen in some planetary nebulae associated with lower mass stars .

  22. 理论上来讲,地球上可能发生威力更大的地震,但这也只是意味着膨胀的碎片云的温度更高一些而已。

    You could in theory have a more powerful earthquake on Earth , but in practice all it would mean is that the expanding cloud of debris would be hotter .

  23. 最后,分析了非球形弹丸和球形弹丸超高速斜撞击防护板特性,详细讨论了碎片云特征长度、特征速度、前板损伤特征、后板损伤特征随碰撞角度的变化规律。

    Discussed in detail the laws of change in debris cloud feature length , features the speed , the front plate damage features , the back plate damage features with changes of collision angle .

  24. 建立了碎片云特性分析模型,分别计算了柱状弹丸撞击防护屏所产生碎片云以及碎片云中弹丸和防护屏材料三种状态物质的质量分布。

    The analysis model of debris cloud material characterization is presented . The mass distribution of the three states of material in the debris cloud created by a cylindrical projectile impact on bumper is calculated .

  25. 给出的试验结果包括弹丸和靶材参数、撞击速度、撞击角、弹孔尺寸、后墙损伤情况和碎片云激光阴影照片等。

    The test results include the parameters of projectiles and targets ( i.e. shields ), impact velocities , impact angles , hole sizes , damage to the rear wall , and the laser shadowgraphs of debris clouds .

  26. 分析了弹丸初始半径范围内的碎片云总动量特性,结果表明球形弹丸的动量衰减幅度大于其它两种弹丸。

    The characteristics of the total momentum of debris clouds within initial projectile radius are analyzed . The results show that the attenuation extent of the sphere is larger than that of two other projectiles . 4 .

  27. 本模型刻画了碎片云的所有组成部分;以平面曲线方程描述碎片云不同组成部分的形状,进而建立了处于自由膨胀运动中的碎片云的速度分布模型。

    All components of debris cloud are described in this model . Plane curve equations are determined to describe different component contours of debris cloud . Furthermore , velocity distribution models for debris cloud being freely expanding are derived .

  28. 球形和柱状弹丸的碎片云形状基本为倾斜的椭球,柱状弹丸形成的椭球形碎片云更加倾斜,圆盘形弹丸形成的碎片云类似于斜锥体。

    The shapes of debris clouds produced by the sphere and the rod are an inclined ellipsoid . However the ellipsoid formed by the rod is more inclined than the sphere . And debris clouds formed by the disk are similar to an inclined centrum .

  29. 结果表明:在相同的速度下,不同长径比椭球弹丸撞击的碎片云形状、质量分布和破碎程度是不同的,随撞击入射角的增加弹丸的破碎程度增大,滑弹碎片云的数量增加;

    It is shown that the debris cloud shapes , mass distribution and fragmentation degree are different with various aspect ratios ellipsoidal projectile impact , the fragmentation and the quantity of ricochet debris cloud is increased as the increase of impact incidence angle at the constant velocity ;

  30. 确定了非球形弹丸在碎片云特征长度、特征速度、特征质量、前板损失特征、后板损伤特征与球形弹丸之间的差距。

    Determine the gap between spherical bullets and non-spherical bullets in debris cloud feature length , features the speed , feature quality , the front plate damage features , the back plate damage features . Finally , Analysis hypervelocity oblique impact features of spherical bullets and non-spherical bullets .