
  1. 在松软的雪里走很舒服。

    It 's pleasant to walk in soft snow .

  2. 她让他把雪刨走。

    She got him to dig away the snow .

  3. 有好几百人他们在雪上走

    There 's hundreds of them . They 're walking on the snow .

  4. 他在雪上走。

    He walks on the snow .

  5. 你能帮忙一起将车房门口雪铲走吗?

    Do you want to give me a hand shovelling the snow away from the garage door ?

  6. 一场可怕的暴风雪吹走了小刺猬的小窝,他穿上暖暖的外套向獾家走去。

    When a fierce windstorm blows away Little Hedgehog 's nest , he puts on his winter clothes and sets off for Badger 's warm house .

  7. 有一栋白色的楼,天在下雪,小雪,我还看到一匹戴着挽具的马不断把雪拖走。

    I see a white building . It 's snowing , a soft snow . I see this horse with a harness , dragging the snow away .

  8. 他们在暴风雪中一连走了好几小时,一回来就倒下睡觉了。

    Having walked in a snow storm for several hours , they all flaked out as soon as they came back .

  9. 安妮·海瑟薇的“精灵头”看起来伶俐可爱,她身穿布满闪钻的雪白色Chanel礼服走上红毯。

    Anne walked her cute pixie cut down the red carpet in a snow white Chanel gown encrusted in glittering crystals .

  10. 要是在“雪绒花”之前走,我能在午夜前回到家并上床睡觉。

    If I leave before "," I can be home and in bed by midnight .

  11. 克莱恩表示,喝思慕雪能让她走完这段累人的推广行程。于是她便叫了一份。

    Klein says that drinking smoothies keeps her going during punishing book tours , and so she starts by ordering one .

  12. 住在瑞典这么一片森林的深处,他得走上一个半小时才能去到最近的火车站——冬天雪厚时要走上4个小时。

    Living deep in a Swedish forest , he had to take an hour and a half walk from the nearest train station - a trip that could take four hours during the winter , when the snow was deep .

  13. 住在瑞典这么一片森林的深处,他得走上一个半小时才能去到最近的火车站&冬天雪厚时要走上4个小时。

    Living deep in a Swedish forest , he had to take an hour and a half walk from the nearest train station & a trip that could take four hours during the winter , when the snow was deep .

  14. 树枝则被折叠后做成踏雪靴而且他们都可以非常娴熟的在雪上跑得很快,如果你有机会穿上雪鞋的话就会发现在雪上走并不是那么简单的事情。

    Branches were folded into snow shoes and the Native American people were all adept to running very fast over the snow in these birch brand snow shoes which if you ever tried walking in snow shoes you know wasn 't easy .