
guǎi zhàng
  • crutch;walking stick;staff;walking staff;crosier;crozier
拐杖 [guǎi zhàng]
  • [walking staff] 走路时支撑用的手杖

拐杖[guǎi zhàng]
  1. 他猛地抢走了雅各布的拐杖,而雅各布并没有反抗。

    He wrenched the crutch from Jacob , who didn 't fight him for it

  2. 计算器是工具,不是拐杖,可是现在很多孩子越来越依赖它。

    The calculator is a tool , not a crutch ; yet it is increasingly being used as a crutch by many children

  3. 他只能靠一副拐杖走路。

    He can walk only with the assistance of crutches .

  4. 他把一根拐杖靠在栏杆上。

    He rested one of his crutches against the rail .

  5. 他身穿一件灰色西装,吃力地拄着拐杖。

    He wore a grey suit and leaned heavily on his cane .

  6. 他虽然拄着拐杖,但依然带领士兵们投入战斗。

    He walks with a stick but still leads his soldiers into battle

  7. 你自己要准备好结实的步行靴和拐杖。

    Equip yourself with stout walking boots and sticks .

  8. 我不用拐杖也能自己走。

    I can walk without the aid of crutches

  9. 结果她拄上了拐杖,后来又用上了助行架,最后连房门都出不了了。

    She eventually used a cane , then a walker , and finally was confined to the house .

  10. 我的拐杖帮助我行走。

    My cane helps me walk .

  11. 自从跌断腿后,他就必须靠拐杖来走路。

    Since he broke his leg , he had to walk with a cane .

  12. 我奶奶走路得拄着拐杖。

    My grandmother walks with a cane .

  13. 那天早晨她拄着拐杖来了,她的脚上还上着石膏。

    She came m on crutches that morning , her foot still in a cast .

  14. 奶奶摔断了腿,只能拄着拐杖走路,父亲因病去世,萨莉的母亲受这些事件困扰,失去了照顾别人的能力,“这是唯一的选择。

    Her grandmother broke her legs and she could walk only with a stick , Her father died because of illness , Sally 's mother plagued by these events , she lost the ability to take care of others , " This was the only choice .

  15. 他腿摔断了以后,不得不靠拐杖走路。

    When he broke his leg he had to walk on crutches .

  16. 那是一个金质花形包头的拐杖。

    It 's a walking stick with a gold head wrought in the form of a flower .

  17. 西尔弗向寨子走来,把他的拐杖扔过围栏,跟着爬上围栏,

    Silver came towards the stockade , threw his crutch14 over the fence , then climbed after it .

  18. 他左腿从膝盖处锯掉,左肩下拄着一根拐杖。

    His left leg was cut off above the knee and he walked with a crutch16 under his left shoulder .

  19. 依靠他的拐杖站起来,然后翻过围栏。

    There , he was able to lift himself on to his crutch again and then climb out of the stockade .

  20. 这款名为InnoMake的智能鞋旨在替代几十年来全球数百万人赖以安全活动的拐杖。目前能买到的这款鞋子依靠传感器来探测障碍物,并通过蓝牙智能手机发出振动和铃声来警告穿着者。

    Known as InnoMake , the smart shoe aims to become an alternative to the decades-old walking stick that millions of people around the world depend on to get around as safely as possible . The currently available model relies on sensors to detect obstacles and warns the wearer via vibration and an audible alert sounded on a Bluetooth-linked smartphone .

  21. 斯克鲁奇看到鲍勃的小儿子小提姆(TinyTim)倚着拐杖。

    Scrooge sees Tiny Tim , Bob 's youngest son , on crutches .

  22. 如果说外推法是预测家的朋友,那么均值回归理论(meanreversion)就是预测家的拐杖。

    If extrapolation is the forecaster 's friend , mean reversion is the forecaster 's crutch .

  23. Francis的右手和手腕同样缠着绷带,同时他需要一副拐杖来帮助行走。

    His right hand and wrist are taped , and he uses a cane to walk .

  24. n.拐杖他断了脚后就跛了,现在走路一定要用拐杖。

    crutch He has been crippled since he broke his leg . Now he can 't walk without a pair of crutches .

  25. “感觉还好啦。”他说。他可以不在别人的帮助下行走,尽管有点瘸。当他在场上痛苦地抱着他的左腿时,私人训练师SeanZarzana赶紧拿了两根拐杖过去。

    " I feel all right ," he said , walking under his own power , although limping slightly , with a brace on his left leg while personal trainer Sean Zarzana carried a pair of crutches .

  26. 像Boel这样的参保人除了得到走路不用拐杖的好处外,还从保险公司提供的最佳保险覆盖费低于政府预期的价格战中获益。

    Besides the benefit of walking upright without support , customers such as Boel have also benefited from a price war that saw insurers offer premiums lower than what the government estimates .

  27. 我祖父走路时用一根拐杖以防摔倒。

    My grandfather walks with a stick to guard against falling .

  28. 他靠拐杖行走,腿部肌肉萎缩了。

    His leg muscles atrophied while he was walking with crutches .

  29. 拐杖使用不当致臂丛神经损伤的防治经验

    Controlling experience of brachial plexus injury by incorrect use of stick

  30. 在他轮椅旁边的地上有一副拐杖。

    There was a cane on the ground by his wheelchair .