
  1. 问:《亲爱的》涉及到中国的拐卖儿童问题。

    Q. Dearest takes on the issue of child abduction in China .

  2. 这个日本的传言似乎是在拐卖儿童非常盛行的时候形成的。

    It seems that this Japanese old wives ' tale developed from the time when child trafficking was very prevalent there .

  3. 拐卖儿童就是把儿童带出他们受到保护的环境并掠夺他们的弱点,以达到剥削的目的。

    Child trafficking is about taking children out of their protective environment and preying on their vulnerability for the purpose of exploitation .

  4. 但真正让我感兴趣的不是拐卖儿童的问题,而是故事背后的故事。

    But what really got me interested was not the issue of child abduction , it was the story behind the story .

  5. 拐卖儿童罪没什么两样,这样当然要受到法律的制裁拉。

    Kidnap and sell children blame different of it doesn 't matter , want to be pulled by legal punish of course so .

  6. 在中国,很多家庭渴望男嗣来延续家族香火,这一定程度上加剧了拐卖儿童事件的发生。

    Child abduction cases in China are in part fueled by families desperate for a male heir to carry on the family name .

  7. 在最近热议的拐卖儿童题材电影《失孤》中,井柏然扮演一位寻找亲生父母的年轻人,名叫曾帅。

    In much-discussed human trafficking drama Lost and Love , Jing plays a young man , Zeng Shuai , who is searching for his biological parents .

  8. 影片不仅折射出拐卖儿童的社会问题,也同时引发了在这种特殊情形下政府应该何为这样发人深省的问题。

    It shines a light on the ugly problem of child abduction in society , and raises intriguing questions about what authorities should do to handle this unusual situation .

  9. 人口统计学家们表示,中国的拐卖儿童案件近年有所增多,这是中国为性别不平衡付出高昂代价的一个迹象,独生子女政策加剧了这种不平衡。

    Such trafficking has risen in recent years , demographers say a sign of the high price the country is paying for its gender imbalance , exacerbated by its one-child policy .

  10. 于建嵘同时还是受人尊敬的中国社科院的一位研究员,他的行动也是借助了现有的一项由中国被拐卖儿童父母展开的在线打拐活动。

    Mr Yu , who is also a researcher at the respected Chinese Academy of Social Sciences , has tapped into an existing online push by parents of abducted children in China .

  11. 为了更好地演绎小镇修车工曾帅,揣摩被拐卖儿童的心理感受,井柏然与一些曾被拐卖过的孩子共同生活,还观看了很多此类纪录片。

    To better fit into the shoes of small town mechanic Zeng Shuai , Jing spent time living together with abducted children and watched many documentaries to try to figure out the children 's feelings .

  12. 在中国,拐卖儿童一直是个长期存在的问题。而且最近关于贩卖团伙的报道揭示了地下行业是如何使用网络快速联系买卖双方,从而更容易买卖婴儿。

    Baby trafficking has been a perennial problem in China and recent reports on online trafficking rings show how an underground industry has made use of the Internet to connect people quickly , making it easier to buy and sell babies .

  13. 拐卖妇女儿童罪的几个问题

    On the Crime of Abduction and Sale of Women and Infants

  14. 2007年12月,国务院印发了《中国反对拐卖妇女儿童行动计划》。

    In December , 2007 , Chinas State Council issued the National Plan of Action on Combating Trafficking in Women and Children .

  15. 中国有乞丐组卝织,故意把被拐卖的儿童弄成残废,让他们乞讨,然后抢去他们的所得。

    In China there are organized " begging " gangs who abduct and disable children , make them panhandle in the streets , and then taking the money for themselves .

  16. 然后,本文对组织残疾人、儿童乞讨罪与非法拘禁罪、故意伤害罪、收买被拐卖的儿童罪以及拐骗儿童罪等相关犯罪的司法认定问题进行了探讨。

    Third , the judicial determination between the crime and other related crimes are discussed , such as the illegal detention crime , the deliberately assault crime , the buying abducted children crime and children abduction crime .

  17. 关于反对跨境拐卖越南妇女儿童的调研报告

    On the Investigation to the Illegal Cross-border Marriage of Trafficking Vietnamese Women as Wives

  18. 本章对该罪的完善提出建议,认为拐卖妇女、儿童罪应取消对犯罪对象的限制,恢复拐卖人口罪的规定。

    The improvement of the crimes in this chapter has suggested that trafficking in women and children , the crime should be removed restrictions on the object of crime and restore the provisions of the crime of trafficking in human beings .

  19. 收买被拐卖的妇女、儿童罪探析

    Exploration and Analysis on the Crime of Purchasing Abducted Women and Children

  20. 收买被拐卖的妇女、儿童又出卖的,依照本法第二百四十条的规定定罪处罚

    Those buying and selling abducted women or children are to be convicted and punished according to article 240 of this law

  21. 造成被拐卖的妇女、儿童或者其亲属重伤、死亡或者其他严重后果的

    Those causing abducted women or children , or their family members , to serious injuries or death , or causing other grave consequences

  22. 第二百四十一条收买被拐卖的妇女、儿童的,处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制。

    Article 241 Whoever buys an abducted woman or child shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years , criminal detention or public surveillance .

  23. 收买被拐卖的妇女、儿童,并有第二款、第三款规定的犯罪行为的,依照数罪并罚的规定处罚。

    Whoever buys an abducted woman or child and commits the criminal act as specified in the second or third paragraph of this Article shall be punished in accordance with the provisions on combined punishment for several crimes .