
tiáo dèng
  • bench
条凳 [tiáo dèng]
  • [bench] 长条形的凳子

条凳[tiáo dèng]
  1. 您已看了我放在这里、这条凳上的东西了吧?

    Have you read what I placed there on the bench ?

  2. 母亲抬起头,道了谢,又请这位路的女客坐在门边条凳上,她自己仍蹲在门槛上。

    The mother raised her head and thanked her , and bade the wayfarer sit down on the bench at the door , she herself being seated on the threshold .

  3. 坐在公园条凳上的老人。

    Old men sitting on Park benches .

  4. 杜布斯夫妇多数时候都在厨房条凳上就餐。

    The Dubbs eat most of their meals at a banquette area in the kitchen .

  5. 一旦你踢松了其中一条凳腿,整张凳子就开始失去平衡,接而倒塌。

    Once you weaken one leg , the stool begins to lose its balance and fall .

  6. 秘密就是唯一其实在作用的那条凳脚是被牢牢固定在地毯下的钢板上的。

    The secret is that the one solid leg is firmly anchored to a steel plate beneath the carpet .

  7. 于是她站在一条凳上,从壁炉上边的窟窿里取出小包,放在桌子上。

    So she got up on a stool and took the bundle down from the hole above the fireplace and laid it on the table .

  8. 我躺在一条凳子上,老母猫跳上了另一条。那条凳被几支烛照着,在两个法警间坐着一个人。

    On one of these I stretched myself , and Grimalkin mounted the other . on this bench , illuminated by several candles , sat a man between two gendarmes .

  9. 从四面八方可以看见满面愁容、浑身湿透的军官,仿佛在寻找什么东西,还可以看见从村中拖出门板、条凳和栏栅的士兵。

    On all sides they saw officers drenched through , with dejected faces , apparently looking for something , and soldiers dragging doors , benches , and fences from the village .

  10. 该模式包括直立分娩体位所用的绳索和条凳、在分娩过程中允许家人和传统接生婆加入以及说盖丘亚语。

    The model involves features such as a rope and bench for vertical delivery position , inclusion of family and traditional birth attendants in the delivery process and use of the Quechua language .

  11. 楼上的厅房是“餐厅”,是一间长而大的房间,放满圆凳、方凳、靠椅、条凳和桌子,还有个瘸腿老球台。

    The hall on the first floor , where " the restaurant " was situated , was a large and long apartment encumbered with stools , chairs , benches , and tables , and with a crippled , lame , old billiard-table .