
  • 网络Filibuster;filibustering;rAb
  1. 可同时预设多种拉布长度和层数,让操作更加智能化。

    Can preset several spreading length lays meanwhile makes operation more intelligent .

  2. 我的地址是拉布耐姆巷22号,所以他的地址一定是26号。

    My address is No22 Laburnum Close so his must is No26 .

  3. 工厂有半自动或自动拉布机吗?

    Does the factory have semi-auto or auto spreading equipment ?

  4. 拉布走向一间钢制的真空室,看起来好像竖立的厢型货车。

    Raab walks over to a steel vacuum chamber as big as an upended van .

  5. 拉布表示,目前正在对这些文件的获得方式进行刑事调查。

    Raab said there was an ongoing criminal investigation into how the documents were obtained .

  6. 即便极端主义论点和论调在这里占据了上风,“垃圾特区”里,至少一些科普特基督徒说,不管怎么样,他们永远也不会离开自己的故乡和家园。阿代尔·加德·埃尔-拉布过去也是捡破烂为生的。

    Even if extremist views prevail , some Coptic Christians in Garbage City say they will never leave .

  7. 拉布有较高的佛学造诣,在广大僧众中有很高的威信。

    Lhabu has made important achievements in Buddhist studies , and enjoys great popularity amongst other monks and lamas .

  8. 拉布说,对巴勒斯坦人而言,最重要的是看到美国和以色列将计划做什么。

    Abed Rabu said the most important thing for the Palestinians is to see what the United States and Israel plan to do .

  9. 拉布表示,他对各方得到的结果持更加乐观的态度,并补充称,英国退欧为实现双赢提供了绝佳机会。

    Raab says he 's more optimistic about the outcome for all , adding that Brexit presents a great opportunity for win-win results .

  10. 拉布表示,英国将寻求一项征收很少关税的协议,尽管英国不会寻求使其法规与欧盟保持一致。

    He says Britain will seek a deal imposing very few tariffs even though it will not seek to align its regulations with the EU .

  11. 本机种可加装精精心设计的拉布轮,双轮上下全带动,防滑防皱。缝制出平滑完整的衣服、雨衣、车罩马靴。

    The special design of cloth puller , moved by twin puller will prevent slipping and crinkle , and make the most complete and perfect cloth , raincoat , car cloak and boot .