
lā ɡān xiānɡ
  • Draw bar box;draw-bar frame
  1. 我们公司生产并出口拉杆箱,包括ABS和PC/ABS拉杆箱和化妆箱。

    Our company is a manufacturer and exporter of Trolley case , including ABS and PC / ABS luggage & beauty case .

  2. 这个系列是市场上最轻的拉杆箱之一。

    This collection is one of the lightest collections in the market .

  3. 可以。是一个棕色的中等大小的拉杆箱。

    It is a brown medium size suitcase on wheels .

  4. 16件套拉杆箱真的很棒。

    That 16-piece luggage set was a real winner .

  5. 威尼斯欢迎游客使用充气轮拉杆箱,但是这种箱子还没有被设计出来。

    Venice-friendly luggage with air-filled tires will be permitted , but must first be designed .

  6. 从2015年5月起,游客将禁止在威尼斯大街使用声音嘈杂的拉杆箱。

    As of May 2015 , tourists will no longer be allowed to pull noisy suitcases along the streets of Venice .

  7. 仍然在威尼斯使用拉杆箱的游客将面临高达620美金的罚款。

    Tourists who continue to use hard-wheeled , noisy suitcases in Venice could be fined up to $ 620 ( US ) .

  8. 这一禁令将减少对当地居民造成的噪声污染,降低拉杆箱对这座无车城市中人行桥、大理石阶梯以及道路的损害。

    The ban will reduce noise pollution for locals and limit the deterioration of footbridges , marble steps , and pathways in the car-free city .

  9. 如今,当游客的方阵在运河上方的天桥上行进时,拉杆箱的轮子在台阶上滚动跳跃的声音便是这座城市的背景音乐。

    The soundtrack of the city is now the wheels of rolling luggage thumping up against the steps of footbridges as phalanxes of tourists march over the city 's canals .

  10. 当前在高速公路小型构造物施工中,结构物外观越来越受到人们的重视,而施工中产生的拉杆孔洞会对箱通外观产生负面影响。

    Nowadays , structure appearance becomes increasingly important to small structures of expressway , while the necessary strut for construction would have negative effect on underpass appearance .