
  • 网络rugby;Rugby School
  1. 以第一次开展橄榄球运动的拉格比学校命名。

    Named after Rugby school , where the game was first played .

  2. 在2015-2016学年,他被选为拉格比公学的“校长”。

    Farquharson was selected Head of School at Rugby School for the school year 2015-2016 .

  3. 所以,人们可以看到,在拉格比和莫尔伯勒公学比赛的球员手抱着球,而在伊顿和哈罗公学则是用脚踢球和带球。

    So while at Rugby and Marlborough the ball was carried , it was kicked and dribbled at Eton and Harrow .

  4. 在英国,公立学校是那些非常古老和最昂贵的学校,比如伊顿、哈罗、拉格比、温彻斯特和彻腾姆女子学院。

    In Britain , public schools are the very oldest and most expensive schools like Eton , Harrow , Rugby , Winchester and Cheltenham Ladies College .

  5. 拉格比公学是英国顶尖的公学之一,排名仅次于最有名气的伊顿公学、哈罗公学。

    Rugby is one of the top ' public ' schools in the United Kingdom , just a rung below the more famous Eton and Harrow .

  6. 其他依据现有时间表运营良好但新铁路会绕过的城市,例如克鲁郡和拉格比,也会遭受同样的打击。

    Other places that are well-served by current timetables but which the new line would bypass , such as Crewe and Rugby , will also be hit .

  7. 拉格比公学每年的学费和生活费超过4.25万美元,它最有名的也许是带给世界的橄榄球比赛。

    It charges more than $ 42500 a year for tuition and board and is , perhaps , is most famous for giving the world the game of rugby .

  8. 面临着剧烈的时代变革和教育变化,他以拉格比公学为试点,从内部改革着手,结合英国国情和时代精神进行了个人的教育改革探索。

    Facing violent era and changes in education , he regarded Rugby School as a pilot project , set about from the interior of it , combined national conditions and spirit of the times , and explored a personal way for educational reforms .