
  • 网络latin american studies;journal of latin american studies
  1. 我在利物浦大学以优异成绩获得了拉丁美洲研究方向的硕士学位。

    I did an M.A. at Liverpool University in Latin American Studies and got a distinction .

  2. 在拉丁美洲研究所建所30周年庆祝会上的讲话

    The Institute of Latin American studies , cass , celebrates 30th Anniversary

  3. 教育分化对收入不公平的影响&拉丁美洲研究

    The Effect of Educational Stratification on Income Inequality

  4. 加强拉丁美洲史研究刍议

    A Suggestion for Strengthening Research on the History of Latin America

  5. 当代拉丁美洲政治研究的主要问题与方法

    Contemporary Research on Latin American Politics : Major Issues and Methods

  6. 拉丁美洲社会研究欧洲委员会

    European Commission of Social Research in Latin America

  7. 拉丁美洲法语研究委员会

    Latin American Committee on French Studies

  8. 拉丁美洲和平研究会议

    Latin American peace Research Conference

  9. 联合国粮食及农业组织主持下设立拉丁美洲森林研究训练所协议

    Agreement for the Establishment of a Latin America Forest Research and Training Institute under the Auspices of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

  10. 中国教育国际交流协会拉丁美洲教育交流研究所

    China Education Association for International Exchange Latin American Institute for Educational Communication

  11. 拉丁美洲人口社会研究方案

    Programme of Social Research on Population in Latin America

  12. 拉丁美洲社会科学研究中心

    Latin American Social Science Research Centre

  13. 拉丁美洲儿科学研究学会

    Latin American Society for Pediatric Research

  14. 拉丁美洲教育交流研究所

    Latin American Institute for Educational Communication

  15. 本所自成立以来,即致力于拉丁美洲区域之研究与教学工作,成为台湾地区培育拉丁美洲经贸、国际关系等专业人才的主要学术机构。

    The Institute is devoted to the training of well-prepared people for the country and plays an important role in promoting Taiwan 's research on Latin American affairs .

  16. 在拉丁美洲位于纳米技术研究领先地位的巴西已经与南非和印度结成伙伴关系,从而通过IBSA纳米技术项目促进南南合作。

    Brazil , which is leading nanotechnology research in Latin America , has partnered with South Africa and India to promote South – South collaboration through the IBSA Nanotechnology Initiative .

  17. 拉丁美洲国际移民现状研究

    Study on the Status Quo of International Immigration in Latin America

  18. 拉丁美洲渔业增长潜力研究

    Study on growth potential of Latin American Fisheries

  19. 这项研究证实了在非洲、亚洲、欧洲和拉丁美洲另外3项研究的发现。

    The study confirmed the findings of three other studies in Africa , Asia , Europe and Latin America .