
  • 网络Regional economics research
  1. 江苏省区域经济研究的回顾与前瞻

    A Review and Preview on the Regional Economic Study of Jiangsu

  2. 在区域经济研究中,常需要进行各种综合比较评价。

    It is necessary to do different kinds of comprehensive evaluation among regional study .

  3. 小城镇发展及动力机制是区域经济研究的重要内容。

    It is important to analyze the dynamics-mechanism of town development in regional economic research .

  4. 第四部分分析了克鲁格曼区域经济研究的方法、工具与范式。

    The fourth part analyses Krugman 's regional economic research method , tool and normal form .

  5. 将本文提出的算法应用于学科建设和区域经济研究。

    We apply the proposed algorithms to the academic discipline building and the study of regional economy .

  6. 研究论文在广泛查阅并分析行政组织理论研究文献特别是行政区划、区域经济研究现状的基础上,针对重庆的实际,形成了自己的研究框架。

    This paper refers to extensive academic literature of administrative division and regional economic , and forms its own research framework .

  7. 在现代区域经济研究中,经济增长极理论被广泛用来指导区域经济发展。

    In the study of regional economy , Growth Pole Theory is well recognized as the guiding theory for regional development .

  8. 城市交通网络与城市空间结构之间的关系是运输经济与区域经济研究中的一个经久不衰的问题。

    The relationship between urban transport network and urban spatial structure is an unfailing problem in transport economics and regional economic research .

  9. 在区域经济研究中,欠发达地区的经济发展问题历来倍受政府和学者的关注。

    In regional economic research , the economic development problem of the under-developing regions has always received much concern among government and scholar .

  10. 产业集群的研究已经成为地区或国家竞争力研究以及区域经济研究的热点。

    The study on industry cluster has become a hot topic in the field of regional or national competitive power research and regional economy research .

  11. 由于在中国国内不可流动要素不断减少,且其对经济增长的贡献不断减弱,比较成本理论在中国区域经济研究中的适用性问题应引起注意;

    Because immovable factors decrease continuously in China and their contribution to economic growth is weakening , in China the adaptation of comparative cost theory should be paid attention to .

  12. 如何根据地区实际情况,囚地制宜地制定产业集群战略,选用恰当的发展模式,成为区域经济研究的关键问题。

    In accordance with actual conditions , making rational development strategy of industrial cluster , selecting appropriate develop model is to be a crucial issues of the study of regional economic .

  13. 文中从区域经济研究的角度出发,提出了在积极开展人口、资源与环境经济学基础理论研究的同时,大力提倡开展区域人口、资源、环境与可持续发展的研究这一新的学术观点。

    This paper proposes for researches on the sustainable development of regional population , resources and environment from a point view of regional economic development in addition to the theoretical studies of related issues .

  14. 但我国发展的实践表明,在经济全球化趋势影响的大背景下,从中国的体制转轨和现代化进程的战略全局出发的区域经济研究,仍需进一步的深入。

    The practice of economic development in China indicates that within the broad context of economic globalization , further efforts are still needed for regional economic research based on system transformation and modernization in China .

  15. 宏观经济区划既是区域经济研究的传统课题之一,也是一个具有实践性的规划问题,是合理布局生产力与开展区域经济合作的重要依据。

    Macro-economic regionalization is not only one of the traditional problems of regional economic research , but also a practical planning problem . It is an important basis of distributing productivity rationally and developing regional economic cooperation .

  16. 如何在资源逐渐枯竭的情况下实施经济转型,实现可持续发展,是关系到众多资源型城市的紧迫问题,也成为当前区域经济研究的重要方向之一。

    The urgent problem to resource-based cities is how to realize industry conversion for the sustainable development of the cities while the resource is dried up gradually , which is also one of the studies of regional economics .

  17. 在区域经济研究中引入文化生产力范畴,对于现代区域经济学发展有着重要的理论和现实意义。其次,文化资源已经成为影响区域经济增长的重要资源。

    To introduce the cultural element into the study of regional economic research is of great theoretical and practical significance in the modern regional economics . Secondly , cultural resources have become an important kind of resources influencing regional economic growth .

  18. 基于ESDA-GIS的青海省区域经济差异研究

    Regional economic disparities in Qinghai Province based on ESDA and GIS

  19. 清水河地区雨水资源化与区域经济发展研究

    Availability of Rainwater Resources and Local Economy Development in Qingshuihe Region

  20. 我国省际资本流动的区域经济效应研究

    On the Regional Economic Effects of Inter-provincial Capital Mobility in China

  21. 后发优势与龙岩市区域经济发展研究

    The Late-developing Advantage and Longyan City Region Economic Development Research

  22. 金融政策与我国区域经济开发研究

    A Study of Financial Policy and China Regional Economy Development

  23. 基于不同地貌单元的江西省区域经济差异研究

    Regional Economic Disparities Based on Different Landforms in Jiangxi Province

  24. 广东区域经济差异研究的回顾与展望

    Study on the Discrepancy of Guangdong Regional Economic Development Retrospect and Prospect

  25. 甘肃与毗邻省区区域经济联系研究

    Economic interaction analysis between regions of Gansu Province and their surrounding areas

  26. 冷水江市土地利用与区域经济发展研究

    Study on Land Use and Development of Regional Economy in Lengshuijiang City

  27. 地方政府行为、财政支出结构与区域经济增长研究

    Local Government Behavior , Expenditure Structure and Regional Economy Growth

  28. 我国的区域经济地理研究与区域经济地理学

    Regional economic geography study and the regional economic geography science in China

  29. 基于二阶段嵌套锡尔系数分解方法的中国区域经济差异研究

    Chinese Regional Economic Inequalities Based on the Two-Stage Nested Theil Decomposition Method

  30. 基于多重分形的企业聚集与区域经济发展研究

    A Study of Enterprise Cluster and Regional Economic Development Based on Multi-fractal