
  1. 等候区、登记区、注射区和留观区按单行线路规划,并且与医院其他区域隔离开来。

    Areas for waiting , registration from the rest of the hospital and arranged following a one-way route .

  2. 这些图像与开发以及测试文件存储区域隔离开来,就像ITIL推荐的那样。

    These images are maintained separate from development and test file store areas as recommended by ITIL .

  3. 因为瓦斯漏气,因此警方将小镇的这个区域隔离。

    Police cut this area of town off because of a gas leak .

  4. 不久,他从附近拿来了一些路障,将该区域隔离开来。

    Soon , he brought some road cones from nearby and blocked the area .

  5. 悲痛的亲人很想知道,为什么警察没有拉起警戒线,把这个区域隔离起来。

    Anguished relatives demanded to know why the police had not cordoned the area off .

  6. 目的研究幼猪经肝动脉区域隔离肝灌注的效果。

    Objective To investigate the effectiveness of regional isolated hepatic perfusion via hepatic artery in a porcine model .

  7. 实验组(7只):左肝动脉及左肝静脉插管,进行左肝区域隔离肝灌注。

    The animals of control group and experimental group were respectively underwent hepatic artery infusion and regional isolated hepatic perfusion .

  8. 适用于机库、船厂或大型机器的喷砂,喷漆及维修车间、展馆区域隔离。

    For the isolation of blasting , painting and maintenance workshop of large machine shop , hangar , dockyard , exhibition hall , ect .

  9. 该校校方表示,并没有学生和老师在此事件中受伤,学校已将该区域隔离并马上进行维修。

    The school said that no students or teachers were injured in the accident . The area has been cordoned off and will be repaired .

  10. 接着详细阐述了其平台的具体实现,分别包括业务实体层、数据访问层、业务逻辑层、控制层、视图层和区域隔离墙的设计与实现。

    Then , it explores the design of the platform based on the new model in detail and analyses how to implement the system , including the implement of Model Tier , Data Access Tier , Business Logic tier , Controller Tier , View Tier and Firewall .

  11. 封锁所有区域,隔离C区

    Secure all quaters , seal block C.

  12. 经肝动脉区域肝脏隔离灌注的研究

    Experimental Study of Regional Isolated Hepatic Perfusion via Hepatic Artery

  13. 据《奥兰多哨兵报》报道,县副治安官已派人冲洗七海礁湖,并布置警戒线对该区域进行隔离。

    The Orlando Sentinel reported that deputies were scouring the Seven Seas Lagoon and cordoned off the area .

  14. 在水质较次的区域,隔离保护收集器,以防止由于水中的矿物造成的污染。

    In areas of poor water quality , isolation protects the collectors from fouling by minerals in the water .

  15. 目的观察高温顺铂肢体区域性隔离灌注的局部和全身不良反应。

    Objective To gain some insight into acute local and systemic toxicity reation after hyperthermic isolated perfusion of DDP .

  16. 良好的:果汁生产区与其他可能影向产品质量的区域有效隔离。

    Good : Juicing area effectively separated from other areas that could impart an adverse effect upon product quality .

  17. 区域边界隔离带及民用筐、栏、网、架等产品的涂覆。

    Regional border quarantine zone and civilian baskets , fences , nets , aircraft and other products of the coating .

  18. 要求景观与景区内建筑、周边建筑物格调协调,或具有一定的缓冲区域或隔离带。

    Required within the landscape and scenic buildings , surrounding buildings style coordination , or have a certain buffer area or isolation zone .

  19. 不好的:果汁生产区没有与其他可能影向产品质量的区域有效隔离。影域:下界的精神域与朝生暮死区域,通过险棘将它与物质领域隔离开来。

    Poor : Juicing area not adequately separated from other areas that could impart an adverse effect upon product quality . Fallen World , separated from the material realm by the Gauntlet .

  20. 本文根据连铸板坯运动图像特征,利用直线相关约束和检测区域空间隔离滤波方法,成功实现连铸板坯长度在线实时跟踪测量。

    The paper realized the continuos casting slab length of on - line tracking measurement system successfully with application of line related constraint and space filter of measuring area according to the features of continuos casting slab image .

  21. 同时假设网络结构设计合理,Web服务器在DMZ区域中得到隔离,它与应用服务器交互,应用服务器再与数据库服务器通讯。

    Also , given a reasonable network infrastructure our web servers will be isolated in the DMZ and will have to access some application server which , in turn , will communicate with the DB .

  22. 基于配电监控终端的配网故障区域判断和隔离

    Fault sections detection and isolation in distribution system based on FTU

  23. 我们使用了防火墙来在网络区域之间实现隔离。

    We used the firewall to enforce segregation among the network areas .

  24. 牵引供电系统故障区域判断与隔离

    Identify and isolate faulty section in traction supply system

  25. 针对配电网络结构特点,提出了一种基于树形搜索的配电网故障区域检测、隔离及恢复算法。

    This article presents a searching tree based algorithm of fault location , isolation and restoration of distribution system on the basis of distribution network characteristics .

  26. 在漫长的演化中,植物已经发育了一些包括重金属的吸收、运输、螯合、区域性的隔离、高浓度的重金属离子的解毒等等的调节机制。

    Evolutionarily , plants have developed a number of regulatory mechanisms , including heavy metal absorption , transportation , chelation and regional isolation , and detoxification to adapt to the increasing concentrations of metal ions .

  27. 差:再加工/桶操作区域未与其他对产品质量有不利影响的区域有效地隔离。

    Poor : Reprocessing / barreling areas are not adequately separated from other areas that could impart an adverse effect upon product quality .

  28. 河北省的环京津区域拥有毗邻京津等优势,但是环京津区域创新体系建设存在创新体系结构不合理、缺乏科学的创新体系建设战略、行政区域被京津隔离等问题。

    The regions surrounding Beijing and Tianjin in Hebei Province have some geographic advantages , but there exist some problems , such as improper innovation structure , lack of a scientific strategy to build innovation system , administrative regions separated by Beijing and Tianjin .