
  • 网络Regional Trade Arrangements;RTA;rtas
  1. 我国参与区域贸易安排的战略选择上,还需要将引力模型得出的贸易不足和贸易过度的结论,与出口比较优势和出口收益传导机制有机结合起来。

    The author stressed that one country should combine the conclusion of trade shortage or trade overage based on the gravity model with the comparative advantage and channels of export income to better guide China 's RTA strategy .

  2. 文章通过总量和产品类别两个层面的实证分析,得出区域贸易安排对不同产品类别出口潜力的影响效果并不一致。

    This paper analyzed the different effects of RTA from the perspectives of trade volume and product category .

  3. WTO关于区域贸易安排的法律规则研究

    A Study on WTO 's Legal Regulations Concerning Regional Trade Arrangements

  4. 区域贸易安排的日益发展,对WTO多边贸易体制既有不可磨灭的贡献,同时也带来严峻挑战。

    RTAs ' rapid development makes indelible contributions and also brings stern challenges .

  5. 区域贸易安排成员实施WTO保障措施中的若干问题研究

    On Several Issues Concerning the Application of WTO Safeguard Measures by Members of Both the WTO and a Regional Trade Arrangement

  6. 与WTO多边贸易体系相比,区域贸易安排更容易在短期内达成,其经济效应也就越容易发挥出来。

    Compared with WTO , it is easier for regional trade arrangement to get an agreement so that the economical effect is displayed .

  7. 但这种非选择性又存在例外。在配额分配、区域贸易安排和新加入成员这三个方面,WTO的模糊的规定又会导致保障措施实施方式的选择性。

    However , a great number of blurry clauses in quota distribute , district trade arrangement and new member should induce the selective safeguards implementation manners .

  8. 区域贸易安排中的保障措施制度如何设置和适用,在WTO法律中并无现成答案,有必要关注并加以研究。

    However , no answer can be found in the laws of WTO to the problem of how to constitute and take the safeguards in the RTA .

  9. 它们包括:APEC支持WTO进程,贸易与安全,以及自由贸易安排和区域贸易安排。

    They include : APEC support to the WTO process , trade and security , and free trade agreements ( FTAs ) and regional trade agreements ( RTAs ) .

  10. RCEP具有较强的包容性,符合亚洲产业结构、经济模式和社会传统实际,采取循序渐进方式,兼顾成员国不同发展水平,不排斥其他区域贸易安排。

    Being highly inclusive and based on Asia 's industrial structure , economic model and social tradition , the RCEP is a phased-in arrangement that accommodates member countries at different levels of development , and it does not exclude other regional trading arrangements .

  11. 新区域主义下区域贸易安排研究的新进展

    New Researches on Regional Trade Agreements under " New Regionalism "

  12. GATT/WTO多边贸易体制允许区域贸易安排的建立并对其作了规制条件,而区域贸易安排对多边贸易体制的影响利弊共存。

    GATT / WTO allows the establishment of regional trade with conditions .

  13. 中国参与区域贸易安排

    China Engaging into Regional Trading Arrangements

  14. 区域贸易安排的发展已成为国际贸易的一个热点。

    The RTA ( the regional trade arrangement ) has become a hot topic in international trade .

  15. 中国也积极开展同周边国家及地区的区域贸易安排。

    China is also active in developing Regional Trade Arrangements ( RTAs ) with countries or areas around .

  16. 第五章为区域贸易安排与多边自由贸易体制的碰撞与协调。

    In the fifth chapter , the author mainly analyzes the relationship between RTA and multilateral free trade system .

  17. 引力模型为有效促进参与区域贸易安排成员国的出口增长提供了有力证据。

    The gravity model has testified the judgment that participating in RTA will promote one country 's trade potentials .

  18. 在经济全球化和区域贸易安排发展方兴未艾的大背景下,国际投资规则也呈现出逐步一体化的趋势。

    Under the background of economic globalization and ascendant development of regional trade arrangement , international investment rules tend to be gradual integration .

  19. 谈判的推迟也会加速推动建立双边和区域贸易安排的趋势,同时使很多国家被隔离在世界主要市场之外,并生活在贸易大国的阴影之下。

    It could also accelerate the trend towards bilateral or regional arrangements , leaving many countries isolated from major markets and vulnerable to more powerful trading nations .

  20. 区域贸易安排与多边贸易体制既有竞争的一面,又有互补的一面,二者之间是一种相辅相成的关系。

    There are rivals and supplements between regional trade arrangements ( RTAs ) and multilateral trade system ( MTS ), and it 's a relation of supplement each other .

  21. 保障措施法是区域贸易安排的重要组成部分。

    As an important part of Regional Trade Arrangements ( RTAs ), the law of the safeguard measures has many similarities in different RTAs , as well as the individual features .

  22. 全球经济正处于区域贸易安排与多边贸易体制并行发展的时期,两种体制间的协调显得尤为重要。

    Regional trade block emerges as a parallel force to GATT / WTO multilateral trade system in the international economic system , so it is quite important to harmonize the two systems .

  23. 欧盟是当今世界上区域贸易安排的最高阶段,是区域经济全面一体化的典型,它具有明显的国际性和超国家性,是制度化、机制化的区域经济一体化组织模式的典范。

    EC / EU is the highest stage of RTA in the world , it is an outstanding model to regional economic and political integration with respect to international and supranational features .

  24. 双方同意研究双边区域贸易安排的潜力,并回顾区域全面经济伙伴关系谈判的状况。

    The two sides agreed to look into the prospects of a bilateral Regional Trade Arrangement ( RTA ) . They will also review the state of the negotiation on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership ( RCEP ) .

  25. 中国积极推动多边贸易体制和区域贸易安排两个轮子一起转,反对任何形式的贸易和投资保护主义。

    China is taking active steps to get the wheel of multilateral trading system and the wheel of regional trade arrangements moving at the same time , and we are opposed to trade and investment protectionism in all forms .

  26. 在逐一分析了各种模式对中国的利弊后得出结论:完全排除是更为合理的模式。最后提出相应的政策建议,为中国参与区域贸易安排保障措施的谈判和实施提供理论支持。

    After analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the modes to China one by one , this paper concludes that " completely excluded " is more reasonable , at last puts forward some policy recommendations for supporting the safeguards negotiation and implementation of China attending regional trade arrangements .

  27. 自由贸易区等区域性贸易安排是作为WTO规则中最惠国待遇原则的例外而自始合法地存在于GATT/WTO体系之中的。

    Regional trading arrangements , such as FTAs , have legally consisted in the GATT / WTO system from the start as an exception to the principl of MFN .

  28. 推进区域自由贸易安排和投资保障机制建设,深化财政金融合作,促进亚洲基础设施建设互联互通。

    We should promote regional free trade arrangements and investment facilitation mechanisms , deepen fiscal and financial cooperation and enhance infrastructure interconnectivity across Asia .

  29. 无论是多边能源贸易体制、区域能源贸易安排抑或是双边能源贸易,都存在着这样那样的缺憾,难以真正实现对能源贸易进行更好的国际法律规制。

    Whether multilateral energy trade system , regional energy trade arrangements or bilateral energy trade has some kind of defect , it is difficult to truly achieve better international legal regulation of energy trade .

  30. 发达国家利用特保措施、反倾销、纺织品技术标准和生态标准等技术性贸易措施以及区域贸易优惠安排抵制来自中国的纺织品进口的可能性与相关政策。

    The paper discusses the possible protective measures and policies to be adopted against China 's textile exports by the advanced countries such as antidumping , technical criteria , ecological criteria and regional preferences .