
  1. WTO多边投资框架研究

    A Study on the Multilateral Framework on Investment of WTO

  2. WTO多边投资框架与我国对策探讨

    An Analysis of the WTO 's Multilateral Investment Framework and China 's Strategic Choices

  3. WTO多边投资框架的非歧视原则研究

    Non-discrimination Principle under WTO Multilateral Framework on Investment

  4. 最后对WTO的多边投资框架谈判前景进行了预测。

    At the end of this chapter , a forecast is made on the prospects of MFI in WTO .

  5. 拟议中的WTO多边投资框架将会是一个迄今为止范围广泛、具有法律约束力的针对投资的国际协定,必将对WTO成员国产生重要的影响。

    The WTO multilateral framework on investment ( MFI ) under discussion will be the broadest legally binding investment agreement ever , and will have a significant effect on WTO members .

  6. 在WTO范围内修改TRIMs协议和重新开启多边投资框架的谈判是历史发展的必然和最佳的选择。

    The amendments in TRIMs Agreement and the beginning of negotiation of Multilateral Investment Framework in WTO are historical necessity and optimal choice .

  7. 根据2001年11月WTO多哈部长宣言,多边投资框架有助于建立一个透明、稳定和可预测的投资环境,推动国际直接投资的发展。

    According to Doha Ministerial Declaration of November 2001 , a multilateral investment framework will be helpful to establishing a transparent , stable and foreseeable investment environment , so that will promote the development of international foreign direct investment .

  8. 本文通过多边投资框架可能对我国产生的现实和潜在经济影响的分析,提出了我国在WTO多边投资框架问题上应该坚持的基本立场。

    By analysing the actual and possible impacts of the Multilateral Investment Framework ( MFI ) on the Chinese economy , this essay attempts to determine those principles that China will adhere to deal with regard to the MFI .

  9. 本文探讨了协议未来发展为多边投资框架的可行性和必要性,并且从发展的角度为多边投资框架的内容进行了一些设计,并提出了对中国参与TRIMs协议谈判的三点建议。

    We propose some design ideas for the content of the Multilateral Investment Framework and draw three suggestions for Chinese negotiation in the TRIMs Agreement .

  10. 多边投资框架与中国“走出去”战略

    The frame of multilateral investment and china 's strategy of " go out "

  11. 亚太经合组织贸易与投资框架宣言

    Declaration of APEC Trade and Investment Framework

  12. 浙江省农村水电站更新改造投资框架体系的构建

    Establishment of renovation and reconstruction investment frame system for rural hydropower plants in Zhejiang Province

  13. 明年将汇报该投资框架的初步设计结果。

    Early results on the design of that investment framework will be presented next year .

  14. 贸易与投资框架协定

    Framework Agreement on Trade and Investment

  15. 发展中国家加入多边投资框架的利弊及当前的抉择

    The Joining of Developing Countries to the Multilateral Investment Framework : Advantages , Disadvantages , and Choices

  16. 在鹰谷召开的八国集团峰会建议为清洁能源和可持续性发展建立一个投资框架。

    The G-8 Summit at Gleneagles recommended the creation of an investment framework for clean energy and sustainable development .

  17. 本文按照研发项目的特征,从实物期权的角度,按照实物期权理论步骤,设计了研发型项目投资框架。

    This paper clarifies the characteristic of the RD projects , design the investment frame of real options according to the theory of option .

  18. 该报告继续阐述所谓的投资框架,旨在最合算地应对艾滋病。

    The report went on to outline what it calls an investment framework , designed to deal with the epidemic in the most cost-effective way .

  19. 基于合作博弈的思想,提出了一个适合于电力交易市场模式的输电投资框架,并建立了相应的输电投资数学模型。

    In this paper , a transmission investment paradigm and a related transmission investment mathematical model for the power exchange market pattern are developed based on the cooperative game theory .

  20. 鉴于这一立场,挑战在于它所希望提供贷款的领域:是否存在一个合适的投资框架,以及投资是否会有成效?

    Given that position , the challenge is in the areas that they want to work : is there an appropriate framework for investment and will that investment be productive ?

  21. 在保险公司是风险中性的假设下,运用倒向随机微分方程的理论,研究了保险公司在风险投资框架下的保险定价问题。

    Under the assumption that insurance companies are risk neutral , and using the theory of backward stochastic differential equation , the insurance pricing problem is studied in the framework of investment theory .

  22. 由于多边投资框架对发展中国家在权利和义务上的不平衡,维持现有国际投资规则并逐步向多边投资框架过度是发展中国家当前的明智抉择。

    Due to the imbalance of their rights and obligations in the proposed multilateral investment framework , the most sensible choice for developing countries at the present stage is to maintain the existing international investment regulations and to progressively join a binding multilateral framework .

  23. 国际直接投资规制框架创立工作现在摆在了WTO面前。

    Currently , it is appeared that WTO has to take task for creation of an international direct investment regime framework .

  24. 国际多边投资法律框架与中国基本策略研究

    Research on Multilateral Framework on Investment and China 's Basic Strategy

  25. 埃克森美孚表示,它们的主要用途是作为其投资决策框架。

    Exxon said their main use is as a framework for its investment decisions .

  26. 该文件明确了拟修订投资贷款框架的理由。

    That note set out the rationale for a proposed revision of the IL framework .

  27. 在新创业投资理论框架下,本文给出了两种相互印证、互为补充的创业投资资本资产定价方法。

    Secondly , under the framework of the new definition of venture capital , two kinds of venture capital asset pricing methods which complementing each other are given .

  28. 利用实物期权理论可以对不确定性条件下的各种选择权进行定量分析,从而提供一个有用的投资决策框架。

    By using the real option theory , all sorts of options can be analyzed quantitatively under an uncertain condition , which provides a useful framework for investment decision .

  29. 提出基于实物期权思想的三阶段投资分析框架,使不确定投资过程中的研发、商业化启动、规模扩张三个重要环节有机地联系在一起,构成一条前后相互影响作用的投资链。

    A tri-stage investment-analyzing frame is constructed to realize an organic combo of the R & D , commercial startup and scale expansion during the uncertain investments and an interacting investment chain .

  30. 国际多边投资法律框架建构的需求呼声越来越高,关于进一步消除投资障碍和加强投资保护的愿望也越来越强烈。

    The demand to establish a Multilateral Framework on Investment has been more urgent . With regard to the demand to eliminate trade barriers and strengthen the protection of foreign capital has been urgent , either .