
  • 网络Screen
  1. 在教室中,我们会看到传统的黑板上方是投影幕布,而传统的讲台内,则隐藏着幻灯投影仪。

    In the classroom , we will see the projection screen on the top of the traditional blackboard . We will also find the slide projector hidden in the traditional platform .

  2. 所生产的“长江牌”和“RICHVISION”牌投影幕:玻珠幕布、白塑幕布任选;

    Production of " Yangtze card " and " RICHVISION " card projection screen : Glass theater curtain , white plastic theater curtain optional ;

  3. 本论文以特种电影项目为背景,该项目以大型软幕为材料进行投影,在软幕背投结构中,投影图像会由于幕布的下垂而引起失真。

    This paper has special film projects as the background , The project is a large soft-screen projection for the materials . In the soft-screen rear projection structure , projected image will be distorted due to the sag of the soft curtain .