
  • 网络horizontal view angle
  1. 针对管焊缝,研究了其水平视角传感方法。

    The horizontal view method was analyzed for tube welding .

  2. 从桌子的水平视角拍摄能使得食物看起来更加鲜明突出,还能通过其他背景元素形成对比,从而突出食物的质感。

    Shooting at table level will make the food look more prominent in the shot , and it will also allow you to capture some of the background to show the context of the meal .

  3. 中国究竟需要多少公里的铁路&基于一国铁路路网长度饱和水平的视角

    How Many Kilometers of Railway Does China Need Actually & In the perspective of the Saturation Level of National Railway Route

  4. 结合界定方法源出的具体案例,以符合当时经济社会发展水平的视角来评价其进步意义,又从现实客观的角度分析其不足所在。

    Defined source specific case , we comply with the economic and social development level perspective to evaluate its progressive significance and analysis Inadequacies with the objective view and the reality .

  5. 此外,还提出了应用色序双循环或多循环技术增大垂直方向视角、应用定向散斑屏增大水平方向视角的新方法。

    In addition , we propose a method using double colour circulation or multiple colour circulation to increase the vertical viewing angle and the striped-speckle screen to increase the horizontal viewing angle .

  6. 从分子水平到全球视角,莫顿的书用优美的文笔揭示了阳光如何孕育生机。

    From molecules to the planetary scale , Morton 's beautifully written book reveals how life is made from light .

  7. 基于交通运输水平及客货流视角的新疆城市等级体系研究

    Urban hierarchy system in Xinjiang based on cities transportation development level and passenger and freight flows

  8. 第二,因研究者水平有限、研究视角的限制,使得资料分析还有待多角度深入。

    Secondly , because of the limited knowledge of the author , the data are not analyzed more deeply and from other perspective .

  9. 从这个水平,你的视角提得愈高,你对社会就愈重要。

    From this level , the more you can raise this angle of view , the more you will be important for the society .

  10. 在澳大利亚、加拿大、芬兰、日本、韩国、新西兰和葡萄牙,近半数贫困生的成绩高于国际标准化的基准水平,从全球视角来看,他们都算得上成功,上述报告指出。

    In Australia , Canada , Finland , Japan , Korea , New Zealand and Portugal , close to one-half of disadvantaged students exceed an internationally comparable performance benchmark and can be considered successful from a global perspective , the OECD says .