
shuǐ hé nénɡ
  • hydration energy
  1. 本文通过对金属的电离能,内聚力,离子水合能以及形成化合物的品格能大小的研究来阐明影响金属活性的因素。

    In this paper , factor of influence on matal activity is expounded by studying ionization energy , Cohesive force , ionic hydration energy and cystal lattice energy of the compound .

  2. 结果显示,蜂毒肽溶血活性与生成热、键合能、表面积、分子体积、极化能、醇水分配系数、水合能相关。

    The result turned out that the hemolytic activity of the analogues of melittin was correlated with the heat of formation , binding energy , surface area , molecular volume , polarizability , logP and hydration energy .

  3. NBO分析表明水合反应能使Cd钝化,而水解反应则可以活化Cd。

    According to the NBO analysis , hydration can passivate Cd while hydrolysis can activate Cd . 2 .

  4. 随电位变化的离子水合自由能ΔGh(I-)显示出ΔGh(I-)越小,正活度阶梯电位跃迁越快而负活度阶梯电位变化越慢。

    The ion-hydration free energy Δ G h ( I - ) changing with potential shows that the smaller the | Δ G h ( I - ) | , the faster the potential jump in positive activity step while the slower the potential change in negative activity step .

  5. 采用新的参数,预测了44个小分子的水合自由能,预测值和实验值能很好地吻合,而且大大优于采用Jayaram参数得到的结果。

    The derived parameters were then used to predict the solvation free energy of 44 small organic molecules . The calculated results are in good agreement with the experimental values , which are much better than those using the Jayaram 's parameters .

  6. 基于原子表面的蛋白质水合自由能预测模型

    Empirical Aqueous Solvation Model for Protein Based on Accessible Surface Areas

  7. 且&COO-是一个很强的亲水基,能与2个或4个水分子生成很强的氢键,水合作用能分别为-188.242kJ/mol和-226311kJ/mol。

    Interaction energies of hydrogen bond are -188.242 kJ / mol and -226.311 kJ / mol respectively for hydrogen bonds with two water and four water moleculars .

  8. 正在105摄氏度失落来的天然水合含质没有能下于8%。

    Free moisture content loss at105 degrees Centigrade shall be8.00 % max.

  9. 机理分析认为磁场处理影响了溶液中离子的水合程度,而且能增加溶液的有序程度,这两方面的因素导致了磁处理和未经磁处理之间的差异。

    Mechanism analysis of crystallization processes indicates that the magnetic treatment has reduced the hydration of the ions and the disorder of the system .

  10. 3-巯酮基-5-羰基-或3,5-二羰基-2,3,4,5-四氢-1,2,4-三嗪-6-羧酸乙酯与氨水及水合肼作用,能分别获在水内稳定的相应酰胺的铵盐及酰肼的肼盐。

    Ethyl 3-thiono-5-oxo-or 3,5-dioxo-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1,2,4-triazine-6-carboxylate re-acted with aqueous ammonia or with hydrazine hydrate to give stable ammonium salts of the corresponding amides or the hydrazine salts of the corresponding hydrazides .