
  • 网络plastic coatings;plastic paint
  1. 塑料涂料用马来酸酐接枝氯化聚丙烯的合成与性能

    Synthesis and performance of maleic anhydride-grafted chlorinated polypropylene used for plastic coatings

  2. 塑料涂料用苯/丙/双戊烯乳液的研究

    Study on styrene-acrylic-dipentene emulsion for plastic coatings

  3. UV固化塑料涂料用梳型聚酰胺预聚物的制备

    Development of Comb-Type Polyamide Prepolymer for UV Curing Plastic Coatings

  4. 汽车保险杠PP塑料涂料的研制及其涂装

    Preparation and Application of Coatings Used on PP Plastic Fender-guard of Automobiles

  5. 环保型单组分塑料涂料产品质量控制

    Quality Control on Environmentally Friendly One-Pack Paint for Plastic Products

  6. 聚烯烃塑料涂料及其涂装

    Polyolefin Plastic Coatings and Its Painting

  7. 电晕表面处理之前,塑料涂料,粘接或打印目的是提高粘连。

    Pre-treatment is often required so that enhanced wettability and optimum adhesion of the coating are achieved .

  8. 塑料涂料除了传统的保护和装饰作用之外,多样化、功能化和环保化正成为其发展趋势。

    Besides traditionally protective and decorative function , diversification , functionality and environmental protection are becoming the development trend of plastic coatings .

  9. 从塑料涂料的成膜基料、涂料性能、施工应用等方面,阐述了国内外塑料涂料的研究现状,并提出了塑料涂料研究存在的问题与发展要求。

    This article has described the latest progress of plastic coatings at home and abroad , in terms of the binders , film performance and it application .

  10. 采用低羟基丙烯酸树脂和混醚化三聚氰胺甲醛树脂在酸催化下,低温交联固化形成高光、附着力强、耐候性优良的单组分塑料涂料。

    The high-gloss , good adhesion and prefect weatherability one-component plastic coatings are made by acrylic resin of low hydroxyl and melamine formaldehyde resin of mixed etherification catalyzed by acid and cross-linked under low temperature .

  11. PP塑料专用涂料的研制报告

    Study on Special Coatings for PP plastic

  12. PP塑料表面涂料的研制

    Development of paint for polypropylene plastic surface

  13. 一种ABS塑料表面涂料的研制

    The research of an ABS plastic surface paint

  14. ABS塑料用涂料的研制

    Development of the Coatings for ABS Plastics

  15. 本文研制了一种无需复杂前处理即可直接涂覆的PP塑料专用涂料。

    This paper gives a study on the special coatings that can be coated directly on the surface of the PP plastic without complex pretreatment .

  16. 超细SiO2作为一重要的工业填料,广泛应用于橡胶、塑料、涂料、电子、医药等国民生产的众多行业。

    Superfine SiO_2 powders are widely used in many fields of national product , such as rubber , plastic , coating material , electron , medicine etc.

  17. 通过选择合理的原料单体配比制备具一定玻璃化温度的热塑性丙烯酸树脂,作为ABS塑料用涂料的基料,具有较好的物理性能以及优良的耐醇性。

    The thermoplastic acrylic resin with a certain glass transition temperature was prepared by choosing reasonable ratio of monomers . As the coatings binder for ABS plastics , It has good physical property and alcohol resistance .

  18. 本文探讨了塑料用涂料配方设计原则及配套专用溶剂的选择,列举了具有国内九十年代初期先进水平的塑料用涂料技术条件;综述了塑料(ABS、HIPS)用涂料涂装工艺条件。

    Abstract This paper introduces the design principles of paint formulation , the selection of special solvent and domestically advanced specifications of plastic paint in early 90 's , as well as the processing requirement of coating for ABS and HIPS .

  19. 超细SiO2粉体,俗名白炭黑,是一种重要的无机粉体材料,在橡胶、塑料、涂料、陶瓷玻璃、造纸等诸多工业领域广泛应用。

    Ultrafine SiO2 powder , the common name of white carbon black , is a kind of important inorganic powder materials . It is widely used in many industrial fields such as rubber , plastics , paints , ceramic glass and paper .

  20. 塑料粉末涂料与具有塑料涂敷层的大型金属容器

    Powder electropainting Plastic powder coatings and large metallic container with plastic coating

  21. 塑料用涂料及涂装铝塑复合板用热固性丙烯酸树脂的制备

    Preparation of Thermosetting Acrylic Resins for Plastic Aluminium Compounding Plate

  22. 废弃塑料生产涂料的工艺研究

    Studies on technological process of synthesizing coating by waste plastics

  23. 给出了不同基材塑料底涂料的选用条件。

    The condition to select base paint with different plastic material has been given also .

  24. 塑料用涂料及涂装

    Plastic coatings and decoration

  25. GB/T14522-1993机械工业产品用塑料、涂料、橡胶材料人工气候加速试验方法

    " Accelerated weathering test method for plastics , coatings and rubber materials used for machinery industrial products "

  26. 科莱恩所生产的高效能的蜡粉被广泛应用于塑料、涂料和油墨,还有胶粘剂与抛光用途。

    Clariant produces high performance waxes which are used mainly in plastics , coatings and inks , as well as in adhesives and polishes .

  27. 介绍了选矿尾矿中绢云母矿物的回收及其在橡胶、塑料、涂料中的应用技术。

    Introduced the recovery principle of the sericite minerals in the mineral tail , mainly explored the application of superfine sericite in rubber , plastics and coat .

  28. 随角异色颜料由于具有较强的变色效果和高的色度,在化妆品、塑料、涂料等装饰领域的应用受到人们的青睐。

    Optically variable pigment has preferable color travel effect and higher chroma , they can be widely used in cosmetics , plastics , oil paint and other decorate product .

  29. 塑料用涂料将向着抗划伤性、高硬度、新感觉化、绿色环保化、有益于塑料回收重复加工化等等的方向发展。

    The developing trend of plastic coatings will be anti-scratching , high hardness , new feeling , green environment protection and being beneficial to recycle plastic for repeating process .

  30. 主要用于合成三聚氰胺甲醛树脂,以制作复合板、塑料、涂料、商用过滤器、胶水或粘合剂以及餐具和厨具。

    Melamine mainly used for synthesis of melamine-formaldehyde resin to produce composite panels , plastic , paint , commercial filters , glues or adhesives , as well as tableware and kitchen utensils .