
  • 网络plastic index
  1. 软土、残积土的液、塑性指标的试验方法探讨

    Testing Method of the Fluid and Plastic Index of Soft and Residual Soil

  2. “统一分类法”依据土的颗粒组成、颗粒级配、细粒含量、相邻粒组的含量以及塑性指标(塑性指数、液限),更具科学性。

    The " Uniform Classification Method " is prepared on the basis of the soil granule composition , granule rating , fine granule contents and the neighboring granule group contents and the plastic index ( plastic index and fluid limit ) and thus is more scientific .

  3. 影响PC钢盘条塑性指标的因素浅析

    Analysis of Factors Influencing on Plasticity Index of PC Wire Rods

  4. 三相中处于游离状态的胶态氧化物对土液塑性指标产生影响。

    Free oxide also affects liquid-plastic index of clayey soil .

  5. 铝合金锻件强度与塑性指标的调整

    Adjustment of Strength and Plasticity for Aluminium Alloy Forging

  6. 塑性指标断后延伸率和断面收缩率有所下降。

    The plasticity index of elongation and the reduction of area continue to fall .

  7. 对旋压工件采用不同温度的退火,得到不同的力学性能和塑性指标。

    The different mechanical properties and plasticity of workpiece were obtained through adjusting annealing temperature .

  8. 但是,铝合金等轻质材料塑性指标低成为板材零件成形加工的瓶颈。

    However , the low plasticity of aluminum alloy and other lightweight materials is the bottleneck of sheet metal forming .

  9. 报导了通过改变热处理制度调整铝合金锻件强度与塑性指标。

    This paper reports that the strength and Plasticity of aluminium alloy forging is adjusted by changing system of heat treatment .

  10. 金属材料静拉伸实验是金属材料力学性能部分的重要实验,它是目前用来测试金属材料强度与塑性指标的主要方法;

    Metal static tension test is important part of mechanics properties . It is the main method of testing material intension and plasticity now ;

  11. 通过对钢筋化学成分及轧制参数与钢筋强度和塑性指标的相关性分析,发现钢筋的化学成分和轧制过程的轧制参数对钢筋最终的性能也有很大影响。

    Correlative analysis of the chemic composition , rolling parameter and mechanic characters make clear that chemic composition , rolling parameter will have effect on the mechanical of steel bar .

  12. 力学性能测试结果表明成形试件的室温及300℃拉伸强度及塑性指标均达到或超过锻造件水平。

    Mechanical property tests show that the strength and ductility of the laser rapid forming specimens are comparable to or beyond that of wrought both in room temperature and 300 ℃ .

  13. 试验结果表明,钢材的强度(屈服强度和极限强度)均随温度的降低而提高,塑性指标(伸长率和截面收缩率)随温度的降低而减小。

    The results show that the strength of steels ( yielding strength and ultimate strength ) increases under low temperature , while the plasticity ( elongation and sectional shrinkage ) decreases .

  14. 纵向及横向载荷作用下的骨材侧倾稳定性研究冷轧后的基面向轧制方向倾斜使该方向的塑性指标得到改善。

    Tripping Calculation and Analysis for Stiffeners under Axial Compression 、 Lateral Pressure ; After cold-rolling of sheet , the basal plane slopes to rolling direction , improving the ductility in this direction .

  15. 研究结果表明,高碳钢丝和低碳钢丝经过辊模拉拔能获得更强烈的〔110〕丝织构,变形均匀,具有较高的强度和塑性指标。

    The analysis shows that the high carbon steel wires and low carbon steel wires can have stronger fiber texture [ 110 ] and uniform deformation . So it has a high strength and plastic target .

  16. 相比传统热效应退火技术,利用脉冲电流退火,可以更好地提高金属塑性指标,减少中间退火次数,甚至可以避免中间退火,强化生产过程,大大提高生产率。

    Compared with traditional heating annealing , the use of pulse current annealing can increase the parameters of metal plasticity , reduce the times of middle annealing or even avoid , intensify the production process and improve the productivity significantly .

  17. 固溶态奥氏体不锈钢具有较高的抗拉强度和极好的塑性指标,但因其屈服强度较低而使通常设计制造的奥氏体不锈钢制压力容器壁厚较厚,材料利用率低,经济性较差。

    Solid solution austenitic stainless steel has high tensile strength and good plasticity , but exhibits low yield strength , thus causing thicker wall thickness of austenitic stainless pressure vessel designed by conventional method with lower material utilization and poorer economic benefit .

  18. 针对我国生产的冷轧带肋钢筋塑性指标偏低问题,提出将冷轧变形程度控制在20%左右,即可使塑性、强度指标处于最佳组合区。

    In view of the problem of low plastic indexes of cold rolled ribbed bar in China , it pointed out that the draught of cold rolling can be controlled at 20 % , and best plastic and strength indexes can be obtained .

  19. 针对影响高线控冷盘条塑性性能指标的诸因素进行了分析,控制、改善PC盘条的塑性性能,以利于PC钢丝、钢绞线的生产和产品性能达标。

    Factors influencing on plasticity index of high-speed cold control wire rod is analysed . Controling and improving the plasticity index of PC wire rods can get better production of PC steel wire and strands and reach standard product property .

  20. 聚碳酸酯拉伸试件几何尺寸与塑性变形指标关系的研究

    The Research on the Relationship between the Polycarbonate Sheet Specimen Dimension and Plastic Target

  21. 盾构法隧道结构的纵向抗震设计建议采用螺栓最大张开量作为设计的控制指标。同时,塑性比指标可较为直观地了解纵向连接截面上螺栓的受力情况。

    Maximal stretch value of bolt is suggested as guideposts in design , and plasticity ratio can favorably predominate plastic stress of bolts .

  22. 本文采用经典试验法和工程试验法相结合,以砂芯的热强性和热塑性为指标,分析了砂芯高温性能与抗粘砂和脉纹的关系,并用于指导实际生产。

    Combining typical testing method and engineering testing method , taking calorific intensity and thermo-plasticity as the index , this paper analyzes the relationship between core 's high temperature performance and resist sand penetration and veining , which gives the guide to the practical production .

  23. 过滤净化可以提高不锈钢的塑性和韧性指标;

    In this paper , the research on filtration has indicated that it can improve the plasticity and toughness ' nder of stainless steel .

  24. 化学改良是工程中常用的处治方法,评价改良效果通常也采用土体的强度、胀缩性及塑性指数等指标。

    Chemical improvement is a common treatment method in engineering , and the strength , swell-shrinking property and plasticity index etc. of soil body are usually adopted to evaluate improvement effect .

  25. 针对土压平衡式盾构中发泡剂使用的盲目性,对气泡改良土的塑性流动状态指标进行了试验,得出气泡稳定性和掺入比是影响改良效果的主要因素;

    Aimed at the use of foaming agents in EPBS is hit-or-miss , the state of the foamed soil is tested , and the tests prove that the main factors influencing the state of the foamed soil are foam stability and foam expansion ratio .

  26. 同时弯沉也不能用来作为控制土基弹性或塑性变形的设计指标,继续采用弯沉作为设计指标是不太合理的。

    At the same time , the deflection is not used to control elastic strain and plastic strain of the subgrade .

  27. 检测结果表明长江堤防防渗工程中塑性混凝土的各项指标均满足设计要求。

    During the application of plastic concrete in the dike construction , each coefficient was testified and results showed that they were in agreement with the design requests .

  28. 本文根据骨质瓷泥料增塑研究中的部分测试结果,通过计算机数据处理,对泥料应力值、应变量及塑性指标等参数与含水率的相关性进行了分析。

    In this paper the relativity between the parameters including mud stress , strain , plasticity and water content was analysed through the data tackled by computer .