
  1. 从力学、阻燃、密封和环保等8个方面分析了炮弹塑料包装箱的优点。

    It analyses the advantage of the plastic ammunition case .

  2. 塑料包装箱的成型方法很多,其中注射成型是主要的成型方法之一。

    There are many ways to form a plastic box in which the injection molding was one of the main molding methods .

  3. 本实用新型包装箱的提手孔结构可广泛应用在瓦楞纸包装箱、塑料包装箱等领域。

    The handle hole structure of the packaging box of the utility model can be widely applied to the fields such as corrugating paper packaging box , plastic packaging box , etc.

  4. 近年来,随着工程塑料在军工产品包装领域的广泛应用,如何保证工程塑料包装箱的产品质量已经成为一项重要课题。

    In recent years , with the wide applications of engineering plastics in military packaging area , how to ensure the product quality of engineering plastic packaging box had become an important issue .