
  1. 2010年上海世博会场馆后续利用研究

    The Study on the Follow-up Uses of Pavilions for Shanghai World Expo in 2010 from the Angle of the Development of Tourism Products

  2. 在上海世博会场馆建设中,已被应用到中国馆、阿根廷馆、安哥拉馆及中国城的河北馆、新疆馆。

    The product is used for China Pavilion , Argentina Pavilion , Angola Pavilion and Hebei Pavilion and Xinjiang Pavilion of Chinatown in Shanghai world expo .

  3. 其中,越来越多的大型工程项目呈现出跨区域、多层次、由多个项目组合而成等特点,如西气东输项目、北京奥运会场馆建设项目、上海世博会场馆建设项目等。

    More and more these kinds of projects are characterized by inter-regional , multi-level , and multi-project , such as West-East natural gas transmission project , construction projects of Beijing Olympic stadiums and Shanghai World Expo buildings and so on .

  4. 上海世博会临时场馆项目群实施策划框架研究

    Research on Implementation Planning Frame of Temporary Venues Projects in Shanghai World Expo

  5. 上海世博会浦东临时场馆设计管理工作的思考

    Consideration on Design Management for Pudong Temporary Pavilion Facilities of Shanghai World Expo

  6. 上海世博会的许多场馆都将展示最先进的技术。

    Eg : Many of the pavilions in the Shanghai World Expo will be displaying state-of-the-art technology .

  7. 还有50余个城市最佳实践区展示和17个企业馆,上海2010年世博会场馆数要达到170个。

    Shanghai World Expo has chosen more than 55 projects to exhibit in the Urban Best Practices Area of the Expo site . There are 17 enterprise pavilions .

  8. 希望为2010年上海世博会的研究积累基础资料,也为未来上海世博会场馆的建筑设计提供参考依据和建议。

    Moreover , it would unfold the venation of architecture in EXPO , and accumulate basic information for the research of 2010 Shanghai EXPO and the design of China pavilions .