
  • 网络the Shanghai Symphony;Shanghai Symphony Orchestra;SHANGHAI PHILHARMONIC
  1. 为此,今晚上海交响乐团还将献给朋友们一台精彩纷呈的演出。

    To this end , the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra will present to you a brilliant performance this evening .

  2. 干净利落、风驰电掣的莫扎特观上海交响乐团莫扎特音乐季闭幕演出

    Shanghai Symphony Orchestra Mozart Concert Review

  3. 纽约爱乐乐团(NewYorkPhilharmonic)最近与上海交响乐团及上海音乐学院合作,成立了上海乐队学院。其宗旨是培养新一代演奏者,让他们能随乐团到世界各地演出。

    The New York Philharmonic recently helped establish the Shanghai Orchestra Academy , which aims to train and prepare emerging musicians to play with orchestras around the world , with the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra and the Shanghai Conservatory of Music .

  4. 之后阿梅便与上海交响乐团彩排,歌声嘹亮,中气十足!

    And during rehearsal , she was full of air , sang loudly .

  5. 特此上海交响乐团邀请我公司为其设计制作礼品。

    It 's a pleasure to be invited to the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra for its designed gifts .

  6. 御凤品牌设计师根据上海交响乐团的特色进行了袖钉图案和包装的设计,客户非常满意。

    Yu Feng-brand designer according to the characteristics of the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra conducted Sleeve nail designs and packaging design , customer were very satisfied .

  7. 迪图瓦将联手上海交响乐团和东京爱乐合唱团,带来这一戏剧传奇,以纪念伯辽兹逝世150周年。

    the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra and The Philharmonic Chorus of Tokyo , Dutoit has brought the dramatic legend to commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the composer 's death .

  8. 近期,我公司在紧锣密鼓的为上海交响乐团130周年打造手工丝绸礼品,也为双方未来的合作开了一个好头。

    Recently , we have company in full swing for the130 anniversary of the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra to create hand-silk gift , but also future cooperation between the two sides opened a good start .

  9. 烟缕轻扬是一位多才多艺的长笛爱好者,在师从上海广播交响乐团长笛专家刻苦学习的同时,还擅长美术创作和网页设计。

    Ms. " Smoke Screen-up " is an accomplished flutist , as she study flute playing hard with the teacher from Shanghai Broadcasting Symphony Orchestra , she is also adept at webpage and art design .

  10. “绿都之春”新春音乐会由著名指挥家张国勇亲自指挥,上海歌剧院交响乐团担纲演奏。

    The2010 Green City Spring Concert was conducted by the eminent conductor Zhang Guoyong and performed by Shanghai Opera House Orchestra .

  11. 上海爱乐乐团是在原上海广播交响乐团基础上组建起来的职业交响乐团。

    The Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra is a highly professional symphony orchestra developed from the Shanghai Broadcasting Symphony Orchestra .

  12. 答:最早演奏贝多芬的是上海工部局乐队(ShanghaiMunicipalOrchestra),也就是现在的上海交响乐团,那是在1911年。

    A. Beethoven was first performed by the Shanghai Municipal Orchestra - now the Shanghai Symphony - in 1911 .