
shàng xī tiān
  • die;go to Western Paradise;kick the bucket;go to west
上西天 [shàng xī tiān]
  • [die;go to west] 佛教指到极乐世界,比喻人死亡

上西天[shàng xī tiān]
  1. Anurag确保下面这些方法可以将分布式敏捷项目送上西天

    Anurag suggested the following sure shot ways to kill a distributed Agile project

  2. 否则我送你上西天。

    Or I 'll kick your arse to kingdom come .

  3. 你应该要帮助他上西天。

    You 're just supposed to help this guy die .

  4. 由我来送它们上西天吧,队长!

    Shall I blow them all up , sir ?

  5. 他就拿枪等着把那家伙送上西天。

    He was waiting to blow the guy away .

  6. 我完成我的任务,你上西天见菩萨。

    The way where I go to work , and you meet buddha .

  7. 再说就让你上西天。

    One more word and it 's your iast .

  8. 我告诉你她死了&她已经上西天了!

    She 's dead I tell you & she 's gone to kingdom come !

  9. 只见我出神似的倚在桥栏上向西天凝望。

    Evening after evening , * gazing off west as if in reverie .

  10. 破事我女儿背叛了我我最爱的人上了西天

    Fallout ? My daughter betrayed me , the love of my life died .