
  • 网络New Night
  1. 新的夜晚、新的时间、同样的理论。

    New night , new time , same theory .

  2. 参加实验的人渐渐喜欢上了用一种新的方式来感受夜晚。

    Subjects grew to like experiencing nighttime in a new way .

  3. 这天晚上,警报照例响个不停,宣告这是一个新的充满焦虑的夜晚,大家奔向他们的掩体。

    In this night , as usual , the sirens went on , announcing a new night full of anxiety , everybody ran to their shelter .

  4. 冬夜茫茫,“裴廓德号”船头恶狠狠地劈开冰冷的浪花,驶入无边无际的黑暗之中。掌舵的竟然是布金敦!就是在新贝德福的那个夜晚在旅店里碰见的那个布金敦,那时候他刚刚结束了四年的海上生活!

    Some chapters back , one Bulkington was spoken of , a tall , newlanded mariner , encountered in New Bedford at the inn . When on that shivering winter 's night , the Pequod thrust her vindictive bows into the cold malicious waves , who should I see standing at her helm but Bulkington !