
  1. 伍德说,星巴克在首次公开发行(IPO)后的第六年,开设了500家新门店,而RoomtoRead则在第六年开设了1000多个学校图书馆。

    In the sixth year after its initial public offering of shares , Wood says , Starbucks opened 500 new outlets , while Room to Read in its sixth year opened more than 1,000 school libraries .

  2. 博柏利将继续扩大在华业务,包括在上海开设三家新门店。

    Burberry will continue its push into China , which includes the opening of three new stores in Shanghai .

  3. 没有门店开幕式还算什么时装周,这一季纽约就迎来了不少新门店。

    Stores galore It wouldn 't be Fashion Week without store openings , and New Yorkers celebrated many this season .

  4. 李宁公司在2005年末有3373家门店,三年后发展到6245家门店,包括在奥运项目举办城市开设的新门店。

    Li-Ning grew from 3,373 outlets at the end of 2005 to 6,245 outlets three years later , including new stores in cities with Olympic venues .

  5. 在艰难的零售环境下,Kors的销售额增幅高于竞争对手,自2011年12月上市以来的每个季度增幅均超过20%(不包括新开门店或已关闭的门店)。

    In a difficult retail environment , Kors 's sales have outpaced competitors by growing by more than 20 % in each quarter ( excluding newly opened or closed locations ) since December 2011 , when the company went public .

  6. 该公司表示,新开设门店面积将较早前计划缩减一半。

    It said it would open half the new square footage it had previously planned .

  7. 九家以大型超市为主要发展业态的外资企业共经营大型超市533家,一年中新开门店91家。

    Large foreign supermarket enterprises were operating 533 stores , 91 new shops opened in that year .

  8. 都出现了近乎连续的负增长。OC&C表示,同期增长几乎完全是通过新开门店实现的。

    Growth during that period has come almost entirely from new store openings , OC & C said .

  9. 麦当劳甚至还有个新的门店正在筹备“我创我味来”菜单选项,显示的样子也有点不一样。

    There is even a new station devoted to preparing the Create Your Taste menu items and with a different look .

  10. 路易威登还表示,在此轮关店之前,今年它在北京和杭州分别开设了新的门店。

    It added that it opened a store in Beijing and another in Hangzhou this year , before the current round of closures .

  11. 让我们谈谈你这次移师美国,因为分析师似乎对那块市场普遍感到担忧,而你却正在那里进行大量投资[开设新的门店]。

    Let 's talk about your move to the US because the analysts seem to be universally worried about that market and yet you are pouring cash into the country [ by opening new stores ] .

  12. OC&C表示,2014年在线零售业的同比增长幅度接近50%,而超市和特大型超市(包含新开门店)的增长仅为6.7%。

    OC & C says online sales rose nearly 50 per cent in 2014 , year on year , compared with a paltry 6.7 per cent for hypermarkets and supermarket sales ( including new store openings ) .

  13. 该品牌去年在中国新开两家门店,门店总量达到23家,不到开云集团(Kering)旗下的Gucci或路易威登门店数量的一半。

    It opened two new shops last year , making a total of 23 , which is less than half the size of the network of Kering 's Gucci or Louis Vuitton .

  14. 法拉利近期在纽约、迈阿密和旧金山新开了门店,其后将把目标对准东亚和日本,而且“会进入欧洲所有重要的市场”,zambeletti先生表示。

    After recent openings in New York , Miami and San Francisco , it is targeting East Asia and Japan and " will be present in all the important markets in Europe " , says Mr zambeletti .

  15. 阿迪达斯在中国有6700家零售门店,但拒绝透露今年打算新开多少门店。

    Adidas runs 6700 retail outlets across China and declined to say how many it plans to open this year .

  16. 数年来一直有传言称,奈曼-马库斯试图在上海外滩搞块零售店面,开一家新的大型门店。

    Rumours have been swirling for years about Neiman trying to get retail space on the Shanghai Bund for a large new store .

  17. 零售业分析师表示,许多消费者也开始转到便利店去购物,促使沃尔玛和家乐福等厂家开始在大城市尝试新的小型门店。

    Many consumers are shifting their buying to convenience stores too , retail analyst say , prompting grocers including Walmart and Carrefour to try new , smaller formats for their stores in big cities .

  18. 普拉达表示,在2012年计划新开的门店中,有一半将位于中国、亚洲其他地区、中东、巴西及摩洛哥这些“快速增长”的市场。

    In 2012 half of the store openings are scheduled for the " fast growing " markets of China , elsewhere in Asia , the Middle East , Brazil and Morocco , the group said .

  19. 这家公司的劲敌Coach则计划在中国新开几家门店,它最新一个季度的在华销售额增长了13%。

    Kors ' archrival Coach COH 0.17 % , which plans several new stores in China , saw its sales there rise 13 % in its most recent quarter .

  20. 刚着手在中国扩张业务的时装公司MichaelKors最近表示,其在华销售业绩“开始稳定下来”。这家公司的劲敌Coach则计划在中国新开几家门店,它最新一个季度的在华销售额增长了13%。

    Fashion company Michael Kors KORS - 0.25 % , which is just getting started with its China expansion , recently said sales there are " starting to take hold . " Kors " archrival Coach COH 0.17 % , which plans several new stores in China , saw its sales there rise 13 % in its most recent quarter .

  21. 仅优衣库每周就会新开一家门店,明年开春就会在德国的柏林与澳大利亚的墨尔本开设新门店。

    Uniqlo alone is opening about one new outlet a week and will break into Germany and Australia next spring with stores in Berlin and Melbourne .

  22. 他表示,该集团将继续专注于新兴市场,在新的国家开设门店,但也会保持在传统市场的领导地位。

    The group would continue to focus on emerging markets by opening stores in new countries but would also maintain its leadership in older markets , he said .

  23. 新业态和更多门店的进入将使北京市零售市场的竞争趋于复杂化。

    In near future with the new retailing formats and more and more retailing outlets ' entry , the competition in retailing market in Beijing will tend to complicated .

  24. 新的管理团队开始执行从头来自查策略成功计划专注于原有门店销售增长而不是新开门店。

    The new executive team implemented a back-to-basics turnaround strategy the Plan to Win with a focus on growth through increasing sales at existing stores rather than by opening new locations .