
  • 网络New Media;MediaCorp
  1. 新传媒有权在不预先知会参赛者的情况下修改比赛规则或参赛须知。

    MediaCorp reserves the right to amend or vary any of the Terms and Conditions or Contest Rules without prior notice to the participant .

  2. 秀珍去年一年都已经消失在电视中了,这引起了大家的猜疑:阿姐还是新传媒艺人吗?

    JACELYN TAY HAS all but disappeared from television in the last year , prompting speculation about whether the Caldecott Ah Jie is still with Mediacorp .

  3. 财新传媒指出,2012年进行的一轮融资——当时阿里巴巴的竞争对手腾讯(Tencent)和总部位于上海的华人文化产业投资基金(ChinaMediaCapital)购得股份——并没有影响其对客观性的承诺。

    Caixin said a funding round in 2012 - when Tencent , a rival of Alibaba 's , and China Media Capital , a Shanghai-based fund , took stakes - had not affected its commitment to objectivity .

  4. 中国电子商务集团阿里巴巴(Alibaba)的亿万富翁创始人马云(JackMa)正准备扩大他的媒体版图,他旗下的在线金融公司正考虑入股财经杂志——财新传媒。

    Jack Ma , the billionaire founder of Chinese ecommerce group Alibaba , is poised to expand his media holdings as his online finance company eyes a stake in Caixin , the business magazine .

  5. 它甚至延伸到新传媒。

    The outreach extends to new media as well .

  6. 新传媒环境下教育电视战略突围

    The Tactic Breakthrough under the New Media Environment

  7. 新传媒时代的新媒体发展,对传统媒体的生存提出了更加严峻的考验。

    News media development in the new media age challenged the survival of traditional media .

  8. 财新传媒昨日表示,即将与一群名称不详的投资者完成谈判。

    Caixin said yesterday it was poised to complete talks with a group of unnamed investors .

  9. 另外需要加强新传媒道德与社会公德的培育,以及开展新媒体素养教育。

    Meanwhile , we should strengthen the new media morality , and carry out new media literacy education .

  10. 接近谈判的一名人士透露,阿里巴巴已获得财新传媒董事会的一个席位。

    According to a person close to the talks , Alibaba has been given a seat on Caixin 's board .

  11. 财新传媒上周首次报道上述新规定以来,比特币价格下跌约8%。

    Bitcoin prices are down roughly 8 % since the new rules were first reported in financial publication Caixin last week .

  12. 主要研究方向包括新闻理论、媒介效应、国际传播、新传媒技术对社会的影响等。

    His research interests include international communication , comparative media systems , social impact of new communication technologies , audience studies and media effects .

  13. 作为新传媒的电影和电视网络的迅速发展,在世界范围内造成了对舞台戏剧特别是中国传统戏曲的强大冲击。

    The rapid development of movies and television networks as new media has made powerful impact on world dramas , particularly the traditional Chinese operas .

  14. 我渴望富于创新的工作环境,在这样的环境中,我能满怀激情地发掘名人新闻,利用我的新传媒背景知识。

    I am looking for a creative work environment , one where I can indulge in my passion for celebrity news and utilize my new media background .

  15. 财新传媒对独立性的坚决维护归功于其总编辑胡舒立,她是中国最受尊敬的新闻工作者之一,在1998年创办《财经》杂志。

    Caixin 's fierce independence is attributed to Hu Shuli , its chief editor and one of China 's most respected journalists , who founded the magazine in 1998 .

  16. 第五部分是根据调查的量化和质性研究,并结合现有的文献资料,提出再新传媒环境下记者职业倦怠的预防和应对策略。

    The fifth part is the investigation of quantitative and qualitative research , combined with the existing literature , then the new media environment reporter burnout prevention and coping strategies .

  17. 在有线电视、数字化、因特网等新传媒技术的冲击下,美国和英国引导了传媒领域的放松规制浪潮,放松规制涉及所有权规制和内容规制诸方面。

    Pushed by new technologies such as cable , digital TV and the Internet , the US and UK lead the trend of deregulation on broadcasting media ownership as well as content .

  18. 今天,财新传媒表示,将从8月份开始,赞助这一极有影响力的关于中国内地制造业和服务业的报告。财新传媒总部位于北京,以对中国的独立而有深度的报道而闻名。

    Caixin Media , the Beijing-based group known for its independent , in-depth journalism on China , said today it would sponsor the influential manufacturing and services reports on the mainland , beginning in August .

  19. 文章简要讨论了网络传媒的优势及局限性,阐述了新传媒时代的传统媒体的发展趋势,着重论述了面对第四媒体的崛起,传统媒体的应对之策。

    The paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of Internet media and expounds the advancing tendency of traditional media in the new media era and especially traditional media 's countermeasures facing the rising of the fourth medium .

  20. 在一定数量的积淀之后,博客应该选择以质取胜的发展方向,在新传媒时代开辟具有自我竞争力的空间,形成良性的竞争,得以持续稳定的发展。

    After a certain accumulation , weblog should choose to base its development on quality , open up the space for self-competitiveness , create healthy competition so as to sustain steady development in the new media era .

  21. 我们认为,任何一种新传媒的出现,都是社会进步的表现。它使我们增加了一种新的生活资源,使青少年的生活更加方便和丰富。

    We believe that the appearance of any kind of new media is the behavior of social progress , which increase a new kind of life resource , and makes teenagers ' life more convenient and more abundant .

  22. 我国教育电视自从20世纪80年代出现以来,在发展我国社会大教育中做出了历史性贡献,但是在当前新传媒环境下,其发展中也遇到了一些困难。

    Since our country 's educational TV program coming out in 80 's of 20 century , it has made historicity contributions to our social education development . But under the new media environment , some of difficulties are arising from .

  23. 赫芬顿指出,多数较新的传媒公司(例如Facebook或Instagram)都是平台,用户在上面免费发布他们自己的内容,因为他们喜欢这样。

    Most of the newer media companies , such as Facebook or Instagram , Ms Huffington argues , are platforms on which users post their own content for free because they enjoy it .

  24. 国家要求广播电视实行制播分离,让国内民营资本进入传播文化业,在此背景下,XX市电视台将其经营性资产剥离与该市一家民营企业成立新视野传媒产业公司。

    The government urges broadcasting industry take the root of segregation of production and communication to attract private capital entering into media industry . The new vision is born on this background and it is a combination of operational asset of XX TV station and private capital .

  25. 教育技术媒体新的传媒形式&PDF文档

    A new medium form in education technique media & PDF document

  26. 在此基础上我们构建了新的传媒集团信息平台模型。

    So the SMG information system platform structure is designed .

  27. 与新晋传媒大亨丹尼尔.格雷森

    and budding media mogul Daniel Grayson ...

  28. 在现代设计教学中,教师处在一个艺术创意、新的传媒形式以及一项复杂的技术传授的交接点上。

    Whose education has put the teachers to the joint of art creation , New media and complicated technological teaching .

  29. 近年来,网络新闻以互联网为依托,利用互联网的优势,有力的推动了新闻报道的发展,开启了一个新的传媒时代。

    In recent years , the development of network news has given a powerful push to thedevelopment of the news reports .

  30. 中国需要更多的新主流传媒,它们指点未来、勇于担当,将引领社会形成更加健康的新潮流。

    China demands more new mainstream media that anticipate the future and bravely take responsibilities to lead society into a healthier stage .