
diào bāo
  • see also 调包儿
调包 [diào bāo]
  • [stealthily substitute] 掉包。暗中用假的换真的或用坏的换好的

  1. 我一直感觉自己小时候被调包过,不是这一家的人。

    I have always felt like a changeling born into the wrong family .

  2. 怎么能向搭档隐瞒调包的事?

    How do I make a double switch invisible to my partner ?

  3. 多亏了珀西的诱饵调包计他被大大地提拔了

    He got a big fat promotion thanks to Percy 's bait-and-switch .

  4. 卖药、调包、伪造、复制。

    Sold them , swapped them , forged them , photocopied them .

  5. 麦克溜进屋子想把狗调包。

    Michael broke into the house intending to swap dogs .

  6. 她看准了诱饵再调包。

    She pulled a bait and switch .

  7. 他肯定把它调包了。

    He must 've switched the packs .

  8. 她不是我姑姑她被人调包了我确定这不是她我分辨得出人的骨灰出去

    She 's not my real aunt , she 's been replaced . I know she has . I know human ash.Leave .

  9. 通过“诱饵调包”阴谋将您引诱到该站点,在这个过程中提供的产品或服务不是您想要的。

    You are lured to the site by a bait and switch scheme , in which the product or service is not what you were expecting .

  10. 论共同调包犯罪案件的定性及其既遂的标准简言之,构成要件说关于犯罪既遂的判定标准不具有合理性。

    On the Determination of " Stealthily Substitute " Cases ' Nature and the Standard of the Accomplished Offences In short , " constitution factors " is irrational as criteria to judge crime accomplishment .