
diào dù
  • dispatch;dispatcher;controller;control;manage;deploy
调度 [diào dù]
  • (1) [dispatch]∶调动;安排 [人力、车辆]

  • 从重要的交通中心调度货车

  • 当夜调度已定。--《三国演义》

  • (2) [dispatcher;controller]∶担负指挥调派人力、工作、车辆等工作的人;调度员

  • 他是电车公司的调度

调度[diào dù]
  1. 基于Web的旱情水量调度仿真系统

    Simulation System of Emergent Water Dispatch Based on Web

  2. 集群通信的警用GPS车辆调度系统

    The Police GPS Vehicle Dispatch System Based on the Trunking Communication

  3. 他是电车公司的调度。

    He is a dispatcher at the trolleybus company .

  4. 例如,轮流调度可能是在应用程序本身中假定的。

    For example , round robin scheduling might be assumed in the application itself .

  5. 参数policy是调度策略。

    The parameter policy is the scheduling policy .

  6. 南水北调东线水资源调度多Agent模型与协作分析

    Multi-Agent Model and Its Cooperation Analysis of South-North Water Transferring System

  7. ContentAdministration,用于调度查询服务管理任务

    Content Administration for scheduling Query service administration tasks

  8. 基于多Agent的生产调度系统瓶颈分析研究

    Research on Production Scheduling System with Bottleneck Based on Multi-agent

  9. 分布式实时系统中的多Agent调度

    Multi - Agent Scheduling in Distributed Real - Time Systems

  10. 采用人机协同的多Agent调度策略。

    The man-machine-cooperative and Multi-Agent scheduling strategy is adopted .

  11. 改进协同粒子群优化算法及其在FlowShop调度中的应用

    An Improved Cooperative Particle Swarm Optimization and Its Application to Flow Shop Scheduling Problem

  12. 服务Agent的建模与规划调度系统

    Service Agent-Modeling and Plan Scheduling System

  13. 多agent动态调度控制模型

    Multi-Agent Dynamic Scheduling Control Model

  14. PCB装配调度问题是一个Jobshop调度问题。

    The PCB assembly scheduling problem is a Job Shop scheduling problem .

  15. 用DSP实现开关磁阻电机的增益调度控制

    The Implementation of Gain-scheduling Control on SRM with DSP

  16. GIS在电网调度中的应用研究

    GIS in Electrical Network Dispatch Applied Research

  17. 只有综合应用策略路由、数据报分类调度和标签交换才能有效实现Internet环境下对端到端服务质量的控制;

    MPLS must be used in company with policy based routing and packet classification to provide end-to-end QoS service in Internet ;

  18. 随后,文章对影响QoS的调度机制进行了分析。

    At last of this part , the scheduling mechanisms are studied .

  19. IEEE802.16宽带无线接入系统中基于QoS的调度算法

    Study on QoS Scheduling Algorithms in IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access System

  20. 使用着色Petri网实现调度仿真系统中的启发式算法

    Heuristics Algorithm of Scheduling Simulation System Using Coloured Petri Nets

  21. Petri网在FMS生产调度中避免死锁研究的应用

    Using Petri Net Models to Avoid Deadlocks in Flexible Manufacturing Systems

  22. 正规Petri网及其逆向最优调度

    Normal Petri Net and Its Backward Optimal Scheduling

  23. 调度自动化系统与MIS系统的连接方式

    Regulation Automatic System and MIS System Connection Way

  24. 对港口生产调度过程进行CE重构的探讨

    Discussing CE Redesign of Port Production Schedule Process

  25. 一种面向公平保证QoS的WiMAX二级调度方案

    A Fair-Oriented Two-Level Scheduling Scheme for QoS Guarantee in WiMAX

  26. 混沌PSO梯级优化调度算法及实现

    Chaotic PSO cascade optimal dispatch algorithm and implement

  27. 分布式FMS智能调度和控制系统的研究与开发

    Study and Development of an Intelligent Scheduling and Control System for Distributed FMS

  28. 卫星观测联合调度问题的VRP与JSP模型

    VRP and JSP Models of Coordinate Scheduling Problem for Observing Satellites

  29. 随着JIT(JustinTime)生产管理技术的出现和发展,考虑零件提前/拖期费用的生产排序与调度问题已成为人们研究的热点领域。

    The emergence of JIT ( Just In Time ) management technology open up a recent research field for the job scheduling and production management .

  30. JIT方式下的单机分批调度问题研究

    Research on the batch scheduling on the single machine using the JIT technique