
  • 网络Tuned mass damper;TMD
  1. 本文在被动调谐质量阻尼器系统中采用摩擦耗散能量,以替代粘滞阻尼。

    In this paper the frictional resistance to dissipate energy is used to substitute the viscous damping for TMD system .

  2. 实验验证了以上一些理论计算和模拟计算的结果,证明了利用调谐质量阻尼器来降低管路振动的有效性与优越性。

    The experiment results verify the validity of theory and simulation , and TMD is effective and superior in reducing the PS vibration .

  3. 采用调谐质量阻尼器(TMD)对大跨度拱桥进行振动控制研究。

    The study of vibration control of long-span arch bridges by TMD .

  4. 新型调谐质量阻尼器(TMD)的实用性与可行性研究

    Research on the practicability and feasibility for a new type tuned mass damper system & TMD

  5. 第三,比较了半主动质量驱动器(MRAMD)、调谐质量阻尼器(TMD)及主动质量驱动器(AMD)对同一模型结构的控制效果。

    Finally , the control effect is compared with TMD , semi-active MR-AMD and AMD by using the same structural model .

  6. 地震卓越频率(EDF)对主动调谐质量阻尼器抗震控制设计的影响评价

    Assessment of influence of earthquake dominant frequency on active tuned mass damper resistant control design

  7. MTMD(多频调谐质量阻尼器)就是其中的一种。

    Among others , MTMD ( multiple tuned mass damper ) is an effective one .

  8. 运用调谐质量阻尼器(TMD)对结构水平-扭转振动进行控制。

    This paper illustrates the practical considerations and vibration control effectiveness of tuned mass damper ( TMD ) for coupled translation-torsion structure .

  9. 通过多重调谐质量阻尼器(MTMD)系统参数的可能组合,得到了5种MTMD模型。

    Through the combinations available of the MTMD system parameters , five new MTMD models were proposed .

  10. 非对称结构扭转振动多重调谐质量阻尼器(MTMD)控制的最优位置

    Optimum placements of multiple tuned mass dampers ( MTMD ) for suppressing torsional vibration of asymmetric structures

  11. 调谐质量阻尼器(TMD)作为一种有效的振动控制手段,其应用越来越受到重视。

    As Tuned Mass Damper ( TMD ) is an effective means of vibration control , there is more and more emphasis on its application .

  12. 多重调谐质量阻尼器(MTMD)是由许多频率成线性分布的调谐质量阻尼器组成。

    Multiple Tuned Mass Dampers ( MTMD ) consists of many tuned mass dampers with uniform distribution of natural frequencies .

  13. 研究了基于Maxwell型阻尼器的多重调谐质量阻尼器(MTDMTMD)在控制结构地震反应方面的最优动力特性。

    The performances of Maxwell-type damper based multiple tuned mass dampers ( MTD-MTMD ) are investigated in reducing the response of structures under earthquakes .

  14. 本论文针对轿车用调谐质量阻尼器减振系统进行研究,充分发挥CAE技术的优势,借助虚拟样机技术,对TMD减振的影响因素和效果进行研究。

    In this paper , the tuned mass damper system used for automotive damping is studied by giving full play to the advantages of CAE technology and using virtual prototyping technology .

  15. 多重调谐质量阻尼器(MTMD)主要被用来控制结构的侧向振动与大跨桥梁的抖振。

    Multiple tuned mass dampers ( MTMD ) are developed mainly for the purpose of suppressing horizontal motion of structures and buffeting of bridge structures .

  16. 根据振型降阶技术,导出了设置调谐质量阻尼器(TMD)MDOF结构的位移和加速度动力放大系数(DDMF/ADMF)。

    Employing the mode reduced-order technique , the displacement and acceleration dynamic magnification factors , denoted by DDMF / ADMF , are derived for an MDOF structure with a TMD attached .

  17. 为了比较,论文同时也考虑了结构多重调谐质量阻尼器(MTMD)风致振动控制的情况。

    Furthermore , for the purpose of comparison , the multiple tuned mass dampers ( MTMD ) are also taken into account for vibration reduction of structures under wind load .

  18. 对地震作用下高层建筑调谐质量阻尼器(TMD)控制优化设计方法进行了初步探讨.分析了TMD系统对高层结构振型控制的机理;

    Research is made on the optimum design method for tuned mass damper ( TMD ) suppressing vibration of tall buildings under earthquake . The mechanism of TMD system to highrise structure modal control is analyzed .

  19. 介绍了两种多重调谐质量阻尼器(MTMD)的参数优化公式,并采用两种方法对车桥耦合振动中桥梁的竖向振动进行了控制。

    Two parameter optimization formulas of multiple tuned mass dampers ( MTMD ) was introduced . Vertical vibration of bridge was controlled in the train-bridge coupling vibration by the two methods .

  20. 评价了偏心结构主动调谐质量阻尼器(ATMD)减震时的冲程。

    Evaluation has been made on the stroke of active tuned mass dampers ( ATMD ) for eccentric structure under earthquake .

  21. 以含主动调谐质量阻尼器(TMD)的建筑结构为研究对象,研究作用于TMD上的作动器输出力小于设计控制力时的控制方法。

    The building structures with tuned mass damper ( TMD ) were used as research object , and a controll strategy was proposed when the output force of the TMD actuator was less than the designed controll force .

  22. 本文进一步研究了作者提出的主动多重调谐质量阻尼器AMTMD的动力特性。

    A further study is conducted on dynamic characteristics of the active multiple tuned mass dampers ( AMTMD ) proposed by author .

  23. 基于多模态耦合颤振理论和结构的固有模态坐标,导出带有多重调谐质量阻尼器(MTMD)桥梁系统颤振运动微分方程。

    Based on multi-mode coupled flutter theory and modal coordinates of the structure the differential equations of flutter motion for bridge with multiple tuned mass dampers ( MTMD ) are established in this paper .

  24. 基于设置多重调谐质量阻尼器(MTMD)结构和MTMD的传递函数,定义了结构和MTMD的动力放大系数。

    Based on the transfer functions between the structure installed with multiple tuned mass dampers ( MTMD ) and the MTMD , the dynamic magnification factors of both the structure and MTMD are defined .

  25. 共享调谐质量阻尼器(STMD)在附属结构减震中的应用高层结构利用调谐液体阻尼器(TLD)控制水平地震反应的研究

    SHARED MASS DAMPER ( STMD ) USED TO REDUCE THE SEISMIC RESPONSE OF SECONDARY SYSTEMS Study on Vibration Control with Tuned Liquid Damper for Highrise-Structure under Horizontal Seismic Action

  26. 扩展调谐质量阻尼器(ETMD)减振系统是TMD减振系统的延伸,是利用装置内部设备进行装置振动被动控制的技术。

    ETMD vibration control system is an extension of turned mass damper ( TMD ) . It uses the equipments on the structure to control the vibration of the structure .

  27. 针对地震作用下轻型墩墩顶位移控制设计问题,提出采用多重调谐质量阻尼器(MTMD)对其位移进行控制,以降低对轻型墩的延性要求。

    Multiple tuned mass damper ( MTMD ) is proposed to be adopted in the design to control the light pier top displacement under seismic load so that light pier needs not to be very ductile .

  28. 使用KanaiTajimi地震动模型,建立了主动调谐质量阻尼器(ATMD)结构系统的传递函数。

    Employing the Kanai-Tajimi model of ground motions , the transfer function is formulated for the active tuned mass damper ( ATMD ) structure system .

  29. 基于我国现行的风荷载规范,建立了在风荷载作用下结构-主动多重调谐质量阻尼器(AMTMD)系统的动力方程。

    Based on the current Chinese wind load codes , the motion equations of a structure with active multiple tuned mass dampers ( AMTMD ) are established .

  30. 数值结果表明,双层多重调谐质量阻尼器(DMTMD)比多重调谐质量阻尼器(MTMD)具有更好的有效性和对频率调谐的鲁棒性。

    The results indicate that the DMTMD provides better effectiveness and robustness to the change in the frequency tuning than the multiple tuned mass dampers ( MTMD ) with equal total mass .