
  • 网络frequency modulated wave;chirp
  1. DDS单音调频波产生分析及FPGA实现

    Analysis of the Generation of DDS FM Wave by Single Frequency-Modulated Signal and Realization on FPGA

  2. DDS专用芯片的控制方式固定不变,用户难以获得所需要的调频波;

    As the control modes of DDS special chips are changeless , users are difficult to get frequency modulation wave what they need .

  3. 调频波频谱的计算机辅助分析与演示

    A computer-aided analysis and demonstration of the spectrum of frequency modulation wave

  4. 脉冲调频波探测性能分析

    An Analysis of the Detective Performance of the Pulse Frequency Modulation Wave

  5. 调频波相位噪声测量的探讨

    Research on phase noise of the frequency modulation wave

  6. 调频波频谱动态演示的编程技术及实现方法

    The Programming Technology and Realization of the Dynamic Demonstration for FM Wave Spectrum

  7. 通过在A/D转换值后补零的方法,可控制调频波的调制指数。

    ( Also ,) we could change the FM index by adding zero behind the result of A / D converter .

  8. 通过此方案实现了低噪声低失真高稳定的调频波,并通过测试得到本电路系统的最佳调制深度。

    Through this way we get a FM signal of low noise low distortion and high stability , and we can get the best modulation-depth by adjust the parameters .

  9. 基于CLEAN算法的非连续谱线性调频中断波信号处理

    Signal processing for discontinuous spectra FMICW based on CLEAN algorithm

  10. 调频连续波SAR回波模拟研究

    A Research on Echo Simulation of Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave SAR

  11. 调频连续波SAR成像算法研究及模糊分析雷达的影像模糊不清。

    The Study of FMCW SAR Imaging Algorithms and Ambiguity Analysis ;

  12. 为满足波形参数要求,本文设计了DDS+倍频+上变频的C波段三角形调频连续波频率源。

    To meet the waveform requirements , DDS + Multiplier + Upconverter was used to realize the C-band FMCW frequency source .

  13. 基于调频连续波测距的RFID标签定位研究

    The Research of RFID Tag Orientation Based on Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave Ranging

  14. 该方法可以灵活安排扫频周期,从而使调频连续波SAR的系统设计具有更大的自由度。

    The method can provide flexible scan cycle which brings great freedom in SAR system designing .

  15. 调频连续波SAR数字接收机技术研究

    Research on FMCW SAR Digital Receiver

  16. 研究了线性调频连续波SAR的距离徙动算法成像。

    Linear frequency-modulated continuous wave synthetic aperture radar ( LFM CW SAR ) imaging algorithm is studied .

  17. 调频连续波(FMCW)探测雷达数字信号处理中的快速傅里叶变换(FFT)方法

    Using Fast-Fourier Transform Method In Signal Processing For An FMCW Detection Radar

  18. 针对线性调频续波SAR的特点,在StopandGo近似成立的条件下,讨论距离徙动算法的实现过程。

    Aiming at the characteristics of LFM CW SAR , how range migration algorithm ( RMA ) is implemented is discussed based on STOP AND GO approximation .

  19. 采用FPGA实现了线性调频连续波信号源的实时数字式闭环线性校正网络,利用SYSTEMVIEW完成了系统的仿真,并用VHDL完成了软件的设计。

    The FPGA is used to implement real-time digital closed loop linear revise network , and use System View to simulate system , then design software with VHDL language .

  20. VCO扫频非线性校正技术是实现高精度及高分辨率线性调频连续波(LFMCW)雷达的关键技术之一。

    Sweeping nonlinearity correction technology for VCO is a key technique for high-precision and high-resolution LFMCW radars .

  21. 介绍一种W波段调频连续波(FMCW)体制的介质透镜天线,其结构形式简单,性能稳定可靠,解决了调频连续波的较高收发隔离度的要求,天线的收发隔离度可达58dB以上。

    The paper presents a W-band FMCW dielectric lens antenna with simple structure and stable reliability so as to meet high requirement for transceiver isolating degree .

  22. 运动补偿问题是制约机载调频连续波合成孔径雷达(FMCWSAR)实现超高分辨率成像的瓶颈。

    The combination of frequency modulated continuous wave ( FMCW ) technology and synthetic aperture radar ( SAR ) techniques is often used to obtain ultra-high resolution .

  23. 调频连续波(FMCW)雷达往往通过对回波信号的距离-多普勒处理来提取目标信息。

    In frequency modulation continuous wave ( FMCW ) radar , the target information is usually extracted by Range-Doppler processing .

  24. 阐明了它与单斜率线性调频连续波信号和脉冲LFM信号模糊函数的区别;

    The differences between the ambiguity function of STMFCW signal and single slope linear frequency modulation continuous wave signal and pulse LFM signal are also discussed .

  25. 针对调频连续波(FMCW)雷达,提出了采用自适应线性预测滤波预处理实现速度欺骗干扰的检测。

    A new approach to FMCW radar detection of velocity deception jamming based on adaptive linear prediction error filter is described in this paper .

  26. 针对大面积分布目标的回波模拟需要大量运算,依据调频连续波合成孔径雷达回波结构的特点,提出了一种基于FFT的快速回波模拟算法,与直接点目标求和方法相比运算量大大缩减。

    According to the echo structure of FM-CW SAR , a fast algorithm for echo simulation of distributed targets based on FFT is presented , reducing the computation significantly comparing with one by one point superposition .

  27. 本文介绍一种低成本、高精度线性调频连续波(LFMCW)测距雷达。

    This thesis introduces a series of low cost high precision Linear Frequency Modulation Continuous Wave ( LFMCW ) ranging radar .

  28. 针对采用调频连续波(FMCW)体制的天波超视距雷达的应用场合,提出了一种电离层扰动(慢相径变化)补偿改进算法。

    This paper presents an improved arithmetic for extracting and compensating the phase-path variations caused by the ionospheric disturbance in a HF sky-wave OTH radar with FMCW waveform .

  29. 论述了在主动调频连续波(FMCW)体制测距引信中实现精确测距的原理及其实现技术。

    This paper describes the principle and realizing technique of measuring distance , for measuring distance fuze with the system of frequency modulation continuous wave ( FMCW ) .

  30. 该雷达系统是一种线性调频连续波(LFMCW)雷达,工作于X波段,具有体积小,结构简单,成本低等特点,在实际环境下测试,取得了良好的效果。

    The radar system is a linear frequency modulated continuous wave ( LFMCW ) radar working at X-band . It has a lot of advantages such as small size , simple structure , low cost .