
  1. 当猪悟能化为人形来到高老庄,被有钱的高太公看中,招为女婿。

    Gao Taigong a rich man settles on him as his son-in-law when Wuneng changes into a human being in Gaolaozhuang village .

  2. 孙悟空保护师父至高老庄,变成猪悟能的媳妇将其降服。唐三藏收悟能为徒,取别名八戒。

    Sun Wukong accompanies his master to gaolaozhuang village , he changes into Zhu wuneng 's wife and subdues Zhu and takes him as Tang sanzang 's disciple and gives him a nickname by bajie .

  3. 若能以仁慈、爱与尊敬的心对人,我有清明的了悟,则能有正确的态度待人。

    You can develop the right attitude towards others if you have kindness , love and respect for them , and a clear realization of the oneness of all human beings .

  4. 总之,企业要在市场中求生存,求发展,应该悟彻标准能促进贸易,也能阻碍贸易的道理。

    In a word , for anyone who want to survive in the market competition , be must know that standards help to promote business , but may also delay your business .

  5. 冥想能纯净心智(净化大脑,每时每刻集中精力于真正重要的事情上)。纯净心智可以激发我们先天的敏悟,这能让我们做出正确的决定。

    Meditation , leads to mental clarity ( purifying and concentrating the mind * on what 's really important * in every moment . ) This mental clarity then ignites our innate intuitive abilities , which enables us to make the right decisions .
