
zhū ròu
  • pork
猪肉 [zhū ròu]
  • [pork] 猪的新鲜或盐腌的食用肉

猪肉[zhū ròu]
  1. 把切成片的猪肉里脊放在上面,再往上浇点调味汁。

    Place the sliced pork fillet on top and pour a little sauce over it .

  2. 在肉类中,猪肉的做法也是最多的,可以整块烤来吃,也可以切片烤来吃。

    Pork is also the most versatile of meats . It can be roasted whole or in pieces

  3. 这个地区大部分地方(除日本外)的传统肉食是猪肉。

    The source of meat for much of this region ( excepting Japan ) has traditionally been the pig .

  4. “那块猪肉真好吃,”他说。“没错,可不是么?”佩内洛普附和道。

    ' That was a truly delicious piece of pork , ' he said . ' Yes , wasn 't it ? ' echoed Penelope .

  5. 你必须把猪肉剁碎后再炖。

    You 've got to chop up the pork before stewing it .

  6. 最近猪肉提价了。

    The price of pork has been raised recently .

  7. 最近猪肉提价了。

    The price of pork has risen recently .

  8. 把豆子和一片咸猪肉一起煮。

    Cook the beans with a piece of salt pork .

  9. 给我约一公斤猪肉。

    Weigh me out one kilo of pork .

  10. 所以,在一个嘈杂的餐馆里的荧光灯的强光下,我吃了很辣的猪肉饺。

    Instead , I ate chili-slathered pork dumplings in the fluorescent glare of a noisy restaurant .

  11. 尤其是鸡肉、猪肉和牛肉。

    Especially chicken , pork and beef .

  12. 这块熏咸猪肉我觉得太咸了。

    This bacon is too salty for me .

  13. 他买了一听猪肉罐头。

    He bought a tin of pork .

  14. 我想买些猪肉。

    I want to buy some pork .

  15. 我喜欢猪肉和牛肉。

    I like pork and beef .

  16. 这肉有猪肉味

    The meat relishes of pork .

  17. 一天有个男孩去对他老师说:“老师,我爸想知道你是不是爱吃烤猪肉。”

    One day a boy came to his teacher and said : " Teacher , pa wants to know if you like roast pig . "

  18. 近日,一个#在猪肉店起舞的9岁芭蕾女孩#登上了热搜,话题阅读量超过了2亿。一个女孩在中国西南部云南省一个村庄的猪肉摊上跳舞的视频片段在网上疯传,感动了许多网友。

    A video clip of a girl dancing at a pork stall in a village in Southwest China 's Yunnan province went viral online , moving many netizens .

  19. 选取蹄膀上的猪肉,将猪肉浸泡在用糖、盐、酱油和白酒制成的汁水中,赋予其丰富的口感。

    The meat is taken from the hock and marinated with sugar , salt , soy sauce and baijiu ( Chinese liquor ) to give it plenty of flavor .

  20. 台湾粽子在台湾岛,粽子是用炒糯米和炒猪肉来制作的,还包有竹笋、香菇和豆腐干。

    Over on the island of Taiwan , zongzi are made with fried glutinous rice and fried pork , as well as bamboo shoots , dried mushroom and dried bean curd9 .

  21. 好几天过去了,再没提起考猪肉的事儿。最后老师对男孩说:“我以为你父亲要给我送点烤猪肉来呢。”

    Days passed , and nothing more was said about the roast pig . Finally the teacher said to the boy : " I thought your father was going to send me over some roast pig . "

  22. 维生素E对防止猪肉品质劣化的作用

    Effect of V_E on Preventing Quality Dropping for Pork

  23. HPLC法测定鳗鱼、猪肉和对虾中的痢特灵残留

    Rapid Determination of Furazolidone Residue in Eel , Prawn and Pork by HPLC

  24. 基于RFID和条码技术的猪肉可追溯系统构建

    Implementation of Pork Traceability System Based on RFID and Barcode Technology

  25. 长期直接冻存猪肉样中基因组DNA提取方法的改进与PCR分析

    Improvement of the Methods of Extracting Genome DNA from Long term Freezing Meat Samples of Pig and the Analysis of PCR

  26. 应用本方法测定新鲜猪肉中CAP残留,基本上满足了灵敏、快速、准确可靠的分析方法要求。

    The method was sensitive , accurate and suitable for the determination of trace CAP in pork .

  27. ~(137)Cs辐照和MAP综合处理对猪肉中沙门氏菌的影响

    The Effects of ~ ( 137 ) Cs Irradiation and MAP on the Survival and Growth of Salmonella Spp in Pork

  28. 研究不同浓度的碳酸氢钠溶液和饱和维生素C溶液对54个猪肉样本品质的某些肉质参数的影响。

    The effects of different concentration of sodium bicarbonate solution and saturation Vitamin C solution perfusion on quality parameters of pork shelf life were tested for 54 pork samples .

  29. 肌肉系水力是影响猪肉的颜色、风味和嫩度的重要因素。系水力的高低取决于肌肉pH和肌肉脂质的氧化程度。

    Pork color , flavor and tenderness are all influenced by pork water holding capacity , which is affected by muscle pH and lipid oxidation .

  30. 猪肉生产商万洲国际(WHGroup)今年8月的在港上市一波三折,在报出逊于预期的盈利后,其股价在上市后累计下跌了16%。

    Pork producer WH Group has lost 16 per cent since its bumpy August listing , after reporting worse than expected earnings .