
  • 网络adjusting accounts;adjustment account;Contra account
  1. 您需要配置您的端点配置文件并且调整账户映射。

    You will be able to configure your endpoint configurations and adjust the account mapping .

  2. 因此,在每一会计期期末往往必须调整一些账户余额,以实现成本及费用与收入的恰当配比。

    Therefore , it is often necessary to adjust some account balances at the end of each accounting period to achieve a proper matching of costs and expenses with revenues .

  3. 而对于购销后发生的折让,双方应分别冲减采购成本和销售收入,并同时调整增值税账户。

    As to the rebate after the purchas - es and sales , it is reduced from purchasing costs and market income by buyers and sellers respectively , meanwhile the add-value tax accounts are adjusted .

  4. 目前,房地产市场的调整是经常账户调整的重要因素;因此我们看到,全球投资与储蓄流动突然开始了一个喜人的调整。

    The housing market correction has been an important factor in the current account correction ; as a result we are seeing a dramatic beginning of a welcome rebalancing of the world 's investment and saving flows .