
qǐ yè dēnɡ jì
  • enterprise registration;business registration
  1. 在企业登记时,工商局依据相关优惠政策,放宽了公司设立登记条件,使其顺利入驻动漫园区。

    In business registration , Trade and Industry Bureau in accordance with relevant preferential policies , relaxed company registration conditions , to successfully settled animation park .

  2. 第二部分是企业登记制度注册相关基础理论,包括企业登记制度注册相关概念界定、政府规制理论和新公共管理理论等相关理论。

    Chapter Two focuses on reviewing literature on the basic theory of business registration system , including the concepts of business registration system , the theory of government regulation and the theory of new public management .

  3. AVTECH是认证(外延)少数企业登记新泽西商务及经济增长委员会。

    AVTECH is a certified ( MBE ) Minority Business Enterprise registered with the NJ Commerce and Economic Growth Commission .

  4. 中外企业登记注册制度之比较研究&兼论中国企业登记注册制度改革

    A Comparative Study of Registration System between Chinese and Foreign Enterprises

  5. 下放外商投资企业登记权限。

    We shall decentralize the power to register domestic enterprises .

  6. 建立建筑企业登记制度,可在一定程度上实现建筑企业资质管理规范化。

    Qualification management of constrution enterprises can be standardized by establishing registration rules .

  7. 建立建筑企业登记制度的基本思路

    Basic Thoughts on Establishing Registration Rules for Construction Enterprises

  8. 关于完善企业登记管理法律体系之我见

    Opinions on Perfecting Enterprise Registration and Administration Law System

  9. 第二章对企业登记法律制度的基本理论进行研究,主要分析了企业登记的性质、企业登记的目的以及企业登记的价值取向。

    Chapter 1 expounds briefly the evolution of legal system of enterprise registration .

  10. 由法定代表人签署的外商投资企业登记申请书。

    The register application of the foreign-invested Corporation signed by the legal representative .

  11. 唐山市企业登记管理系统人力资源管理

    The Human Resource Management of the Enterprise Register and Supervisor System in Tangshan

  12. 现行企业登记制度改革初探

    A Survey of Current Enterprises Register System Reform

  13. 第二部分是我国外商投资企业登记制度的理论分析。

    The second part is a theoretical analysis of the registration system of foreign-invested enterprises .

  14. 我国企业登记的形态因划分的标准不同而有不同。

    There is difference in the shape of enterprises register according to the divided standards .

  15. 农民在参加了该项目的企业登记,然后通过手机获取保单号码。

    Farmers at businesses the program and receive a policy number through their mobile phone .

  16. 企业登记制度在一个国家的企业法律制度中处于极其重要的地位,对于企业来说,企业登记制度是确认其进入市场进行民商事活动的资格确认制度;

    Enterprise 's resignation system is in the extremely important position in a national legal system .

  17. 第三部分是我国外商投资企业登记制度的现状分析&以济南市为例。

    The third part is the analysis of the registration system of foreign-invested enterprises in China .

  18. 在特定的立法和司法环境中,我国企业登记效力制度经历了在不断修正中逐步完善的过程。

    In certain legislative and judicial circumstances , the registration system is becoming better through being amended .

  19. 外商投资企业登记有变化

    Changes in Foreign Enterprise Registration

  20. 不得在法律、行政法规规定之外设置企业登记的前置条件;

    They may not impose preconditions for registration of enterprises beyond the provisions of laws and administrative regulations ;

  21. 但是企业登记在司法领域内却引发了公权力信用失范的实践难题。

    But in the judicial practice area , this theory has put forward a dilemma of public power discredit .

  22. 要继续积极探索企业登记管理工作深化改革的理论。

    They shall continue to explore actively the theories concerning the deepening reform of the registration administration work of enterprises .

  23. 我国现阶段的企业登记制度立法形式极为分散,这种立法体系逐渐显现出其不可避免的弱点。

    The legislative form of resignation system in our country is the scattering , such legislative system displays its unavoidable weakness .

  24. 企业登记主管机关应当依照名称争议有关规定进行处理。

    The competent enterprise registration authorities shall handle the cases according to the relevant regulations concerning the disputes of trade names .

  25. 登记职能方面:介绍了企业登记的分类和内容,探讨了登记职能的问题、各地区的探索和从核准主义到准则主义最终到公示产生权力的转变;

    As to registry , it concludes classification and content of enterprises registry , discussing functional registry , explorations of different areas ;

  26. 企业登记制度的建立是完善我国经济制度以及管理体制的一项重要的内容。

    The establishment of enterprise registration system is to improve our economic system , and an important part of the management system .

  27. 在我国的企业登记法律制度中,关于企业登记的形态仍然存在某些不如人意的地方,需要在立法上改进。

    In Chinese enterprises register legal system , the shape registered about enterprises still has some places not good enough and need improving .

  28. 申请办理合伙企业登记,申请人应当对申请材料的真实性负责。

    To apply for the registration of a partnership enterprise , an applicant shall be responsible for the authenticity of the application materials .

  29. 我国企业登记程序主要分为申请和受理、审查、核准发照、公告四个阶段。

    Enterprise 's registration procedure is divided into four step : applied , examine , approve to issue permit , and announcement four stages .

  30. 市、县工商行政管理机关负责本辖区内的合伙企业登记。

    Municipal and county organs of industry and commerce administration shall be responsible for the partnership enterprise registration in areas under their respective jurisdiction .