
  • 网络BPR
  1. 为了解决这些问题,通过实施企业业务重组和对企业业务需求的分析,研究决定选用ERP系统,以学习国外的先进管理思想。

    In order to solve these problems , through the enterprise business reorganization and the analysis of enterprise business demand , it was decided to select the enterprise resources plan ( ERP ) system with the purpose of learning the concept of advanced management in the world .

  2. 本文从工作流技术支持企业业务重组的应用领域出发,对支持动态联盟的工作流管理技术进行了研究。

    This paper studies technologies on how to realize Workflow System supporting DVE ( Dynamic - Virtual Enterprise ) .

  3. 因此,深入研究和发展工作流技术对促进企业业务重组、企业管理的规范化和信息化以及提高企业经济效益有重大意义。

    Therefore , studying deeply and developing Workflow Technology have a great significance in promoting EBR , the normalization and informatization of enterprise management , and also in improving the economic effectiveness of Enterprise .

  4. 基于随机Petri网的企业业务流程重组的理论与优化方法研究

    A Study of Theory and Optimization Method of Business Process Reengineering Based on Stochastic Petri Net

  5. 企业业务过程重组(BusinessProcessReengineering,简称BPR)目前已经发展到了过程改变管理阶段,其主要任务就是业务过程的持续性改进。

    Improvement of business process continuously is the main task of Business Process Reengineering , shortly BPR in current business process change management phase .

  6. 它最直接的用途就是和企业业务流程重组(BPR,BusinessProcessReengineering)技术相结合来管理企业的各种流程,实现企业流程的自动化。

    It is primarily used to manage all kinds of workflow combined with enterprise Business Process Reengineering ( BPR ) technology and carries out automation the enterprise process .

  7. 工作流管理技术作为实现企业业务流程重组(BPR)的重要支撑手段,越来越受到学术界和工程界的重视。

    As the key technology of BPR ( Business Process Reengineering ), workflow technology has attracted more and more attention in manufacturing field .

  8. 基于流程的ERP系统,可以通过流程的再定义,灵活地将应用系统的功能连接在一起,快速完成企业业务流程重组和ERP系统的搭建。

    Based on process , ERP system can be associated with the function of application system via process redefinition , which will accomplish reengineering of business process and the establishment of ERP system .

  9. 在案例部分,从企业业务流程重组、ERP项目实施计划、ERP系统实施策略、ERP项目管理及质量管理、ERP项目风险控制等方面进行论述。

    In the aspect of cases , I try to discuss them from reorganization of procedure of its business , enforcing plans , performing tactics , quality administration and the danger control of ERP .

  10. 论述在管理创新中企业业务流程重组(BPR)与ERP系统的应用如何结合;探讨如何应用IT/ERP系统,创新我国企业业务流程;

    The application of IT / ERP system and the existing problems in Chinese enterprises , how to combine Business Process Reengineering ( BPR ) with applying ERP system in management innovation , how to apply IT / ERP system to innovate business process in Chinese enterprises were discussed .

  11. 基于顾客满意的移动通信企业业务流程重组过程研究

    Research on Mobile Communications Business Process Reengineering Based on Customer Satisfaction

  12. 企业业务流程重组理论的历史演进及趋势分析

    Evolution History and Trend Analyzing of Enterprise 's Business Process Reengineering Theory

  13. 企业业务流程重组理论探讨及应用研究

    Literature Discussion and Application Study in Business Process Reengineering

  14. 建筑施工企业业务流程重组

    The Business Process Reengineering Of Construction Enterprise

  15. 中国企业业务流程重组关键成功因素及其评价的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on Critical Success Factors and Measurement of Business Process Reengineering for Chinese Enterprises

  16. 企业业务基因重组

    Rebuilding Corporate Business DNA ENTERPRISE

  17. 工作流管理技术是实现企业业务过程重组、过程管理和过程自动化的核心技术,是实现先进制造战略的客观需求。

    Workflow management technology is the core technology for achieving corporation process reformation , process management and process automatization .

  18. 作为过程工程环境的重要子系统,它们可以为企业业务过程重组和企业过程智能诊断提供相应的技术支持。

    As one key module of process engineering environment , it can be used for business process reengineering and business intelligent diagnosis .

  19. 在研究了物流一体化及流程优化的基础理论后,本文从物流一体化的角度结合企业业务流程重组理论,研究形成对于现有的物流流程优化的理论框架。

    According to the former basic theories and business process re-engineering theory , this paper provides the framework of logistics procedure optimization .

  20. 信息技术在企业业务流程重组中的功能研究试论农业高校如何强化农业科技信息服务功能

    Research on the Function of Information Technology in Business Process Reengineering ; On Ways to Enhance Agricultural Sci-tech Information Service Function in Agricultural Universities

  21. 在此过程中,企业业务流程重组、管理与技术创新都离不开信息技术的支撑。

    In this process , the Business Process Reengineering , the innovation of the management and technology is inseparable from the support of information technology .

  22. 为了解决虚拟制造企业业务流程重组的问题,提出了一种基于工作流技术的虚拟制造企业生产管理系统的设计方法。

    A design method of production management system for virtual manufacturing enterprise based on workflow technology is provided in order to solve business process reorganization .

  23. 声誉管理、信息知识管理和多企业核心业务重组,可以作为电子商务环境不健全的补充和建立长期竞争优势的发展战略。

    Trading partners ' reputations , information and knowledge , and multi - enterprises ' core processes re - engineering are the supplement of unsound condition and management tools for sustained competitive advantages .

  24. 但是无论在西方还是在中国,企业业务流程重组的成功率并不高,大多数企业没有达到预期的效果和目标。

    But no matter in western countries or in China , the success rates of the application of BPR are not as high as expectations ; most enterprises did not even achieve their goals .

  25. 针对电子商务企业业务过程重组对电子商务系统建设提出的更高要求,应用工作流网对电子商务交易流程建模。

    In view of the electronic commerce enterprise business process reengineering a higher request which proposed to the electronic commerce system construction , applies Work Flow net ( WF net ) to the modeling of electronic commerce transaction procedure .

  26. 企业进行业务重组,信息系统进行升级或重新开发,其成功的关键因素之一,就是如何把企业信息数据从旧系统格式转换到新系统格式。

    With Business Process Reorganization and Information System 's upgrade or redesign , how to transform business data from the format of existing old Information System to the format of the new Information System is one of the keystones to success .

  27. 在霍尔三维结构理论的基础上,结合企业业务流程重组的实施步骤,提出了物流一体化实施的步骤;并且探讨了物流一体化各实施步骤中的实施方法。

    The theory of integrated logistics and the Hall three dimensions structure are analyzed , the implementing approach of integrated logistics on the basis of the Hall three dimensions structure theory is put forward , and the implementing methods of integrated logistics are discussed .

  28. ERP实施中企业内部业务流程重组研究

    Study on Enterprise-Wide Business Process Reengineering in ERP Application

  29. 这是因为ERP系统的设计背景、ERP系统信息的集成性和ERP软件的应用目的要求企业进行业务流程重组。

    Because of the designing background 、 integration of information 、 objective of application ERP system ask enterprises to reengineer business process .

  30. 然而由于系统的庞大复杂,使得ERP的开发存在着成本高,开发周期长,系统缺乏柔性,难于适应企业的业务流程重组等弊端。

    However the structure of ERP system is so great and complicated that developing cost is very high and developing period is rather long .