
  1. 一个新的时代已经到来:衡量企业成功的基础转为创新及构想,而不只是看生产力。

    The time has come for companies to measure success based on innovation and ideas , not merely on productivity .

  2. 一位高级银行家问道,他们忘了这个国家的繁荣兴盛是建立在本国企业成功的基础之上了吗?

    Asks a senior banker . Have they forgotten that this country 's prosperity and ability to thrive is built on the success of its companies ?

  3. 有效的风险管理是企业持续成功的基础。

    Effective risk management is the basis for continued success .

  4. 本文在借鉴典型国家企业年金管理成功经验的基础上,就加强我国企业年金监管问题进行了积极的探讨。

    This paper probes into the problem of how to reinforce regulation of enterprise annuity in China based on some successful experience in a few typical countries .

  5. 本文在借鉴相关基本理论和一些知名企业战略创新成功经验的基础上,对企业战略创新能力的内涵、构成和形成机理及评价进行了深入的研究。

    On the basis of borrowing the relevance principle theories and successful strategic innovation experience of some well-known enterprises , the thesis analyzes the connotation , composition , mechanism and evaluation of the enterprise strategic innovation .

  6. 最后,在分析绩效评价对虚拟软件企业成功运作重要作用的基础上,从虚拟软件企业整体和单个合作伙伴企业两个层面研究了虚拟软件企业的绩效评价问题。

    Finally , on the base of analyzing the important effect of performance appraisal on successful operation of VSC , the problems of performance evaluation of VSC is researched on the two aspects of whole VSC and single partner .

  7. 文章在对小企业与小企业成功标准界定的基础上,提出了小企业成功的要素模型。

    This paper brought forward a essential model of small business by defining the small business and the standard of success for small business .

  8. 对目标市场进行细分、选定适合本企业的目标市场并进行准确定位是企业成功定位的基础步骤。

    A successful market positioning requires an in-depth analysis of the targeting market , an appropriate choice of the desired market and a proper positioning .

  9. 基于我国中小企业破产的教训,论述了企业文化是企业成功的基础,并提出了建设企业文化的几条措施。

    Based on the lessons drawn from the bankruptcy of small and medium-sized enterprises , this paper discusses that the enterprise culture is the base of enterprise success , and advances some measures for constructing the enterprise culture .

  10. 研究掌握信息化主动权的策略问题,可以使传统企业明确认识掌握主动权的重要性和必要性,克服畏难思想,正确运用这个策略,从而奠定企业信息化成功的基础。

    Studying strategy of having informatization initiative can not only make traditional enterprises realize clearly importance and necessity of initiative , heighten its self-confidence but also carry out its strategy properly , thus laying a successful foundation for enterprises informatization .

  11. 众多企业的实践证明,员工的业绩和企业的薪酬管理有极为密切的关系,一个科学而公平的薪酬制度是企业成功的基础;

    Practice from a great deal of enterprises proves that there exist a close relation between employees ' performance and compensation system .