
  1. RockBridge的一位董事巴德•卡特(BudCarter)说:随着一家接一家的银行被合并,中小企业维持良好的银行关系更为困难。

    It has become difficult for SMEs to maintain a good banking relationship when one bank after another is consolidated , says Bud Carter , a director of RockBridge .

  2. 企业维持日常运营所需资金。

    The amount of money a business needs for its normal operations .

  3. 以历史成本为基础计提折旧的方法,使企业维持生产增加了难度。

    The way of depreciation based on history cost enables enterprises difficult to maintain normal production .

  4. 知识产权对于企业维持市场竞争力发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    Intellectual property rights is playing an increasingly important role for companies to maintain market competitiveness .

  5. 而软件商业领域竞争的人为壁垒与自然壁垒又使得软件业的领先企业维持着高额的利润水平。

    Further , the artificial barriers and the nature barriers keep the high profit level of software .

  6. 在我国保险业,渠道创新始终是保险企业维持竞争力的法宝之一。

    Marketing channel innovation is one of the important method to sustain the competence in our insurance industry .

  7. 公司设立是公司企业维持的基本前提,在公司法中占有重要地位。

    Formatiom of companies is the fundamental of the firm existence , having played a very important party in companies acts .

  8. 研究拟为企业维持联盟稳定提供指导和借鉴,得出的主要结论如下:1.战略联盟不稳定性与稳定性是相互关联的。

    By all above we draw some conclusions as follows : 1 . The instability and stability of strategic alliance is interrelated .

  9. 国内外的经营实践表明:公司治理是企业维持持续竞争优势的决定性因素。

    The domestic and international business practice also shows that corporate governance is a decisive factor for the business to maintain sustainable competitive advantage .

  10. 尽管比较老,这些系统仍然交付了帮助许多企业维持市场中的竞争力的功能、能力和性能。

    Despite their age , these systems delivered the functionality , capabilities , and performance that helped many enterprises maintain a competitive edge in the marketplace .

  11. 放射源的管理也是核电站或核企业维持其良好安全记录和社会形象的一项重要工作。

    Radioactive source management is one of the key activities for a nuclear power plant to maintain its good safety record and image to the public .

  12. 董事会希望这家老企业维持原状,因此总是阻拦任何提出的新建议。

    EXAMPLE : The board of directors wanted the old company to remain the same and so they used to torpedo any new idea suggested to them .

  13. 21世纪是一个以创新为主的知识经济时代,而创新必然是这个时代企业维持生存并获得竞争优势的关键。

    The twenty-first century is an era of knowledge economy based on innovation , and the innovation must be the key to this era enterprises to survive and gain a competitive advantage .

  14. 营运资金是企业维持正常生产经营活动的基础,它在供产销的每个环节中不断循环。

    Working capital is the basic of maintain the normal production and management activities in the enterprise . It goes round and begins again in each link of production and marketing for the continuous circulation .

  15. 战略柔性是企业维持持续竞争优势的来源之一,但是开发和保持快速行动和高度竞争多样化的能力常常意味着高昂的成本,企业必须在这种成本和潜在收益之间进行权衡。

    Strategic flexibility is among the sources of strength competitive , but moves quickly to develop and maintain a high degree of competition and diversity often means the high cost . Enterprises must balance the costs and the potential gains .

  16. 为规范隐名股东,应当加强和完善公司立法、注意企业维持原则的运用、区别对待民事纠纷与行政执法。

    In order to stipulate the problem of dormant shareholders , we should strengthen and perfect the litigations about the company , stress the use of maintaining the doctrine about enterprises and deal with civil disputes and administrative enforcement distinctively .

  17. 菲律宾以中东局势为由,于周三宣布将要求本国石油企业维持15天的储备量,要求炼油企业维持足够30天使用的储备量。

    The Philippines , citing events in the Middle East , announced on Wednesday that it would require oil companies in the country to maintain 15 days of reserves , and oil refineries to keep enough oil to last for 30 days .

  18. 麦格理(Macquarie)和摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)出售了它们的中国信托业务,令人对剩余的中外合资信托企业能否维持下去产生疑问。

    Macquarie and Morgan Stanley have sold out of their Chinese trust businesses , raising questions about the viability of the remaining joint-venture partnerships between foreign and domestic institutions in China .

  19. 东方的大企业正在维持学徒体系。

    W.R.Warner : Large companies in the East are keeping up the apprentice system .

  20. 这一点很重要,因为为企业模型维持合适的宗族关系是必要的。

    This is important because it is necessary to maintain the appropriate ancestry for the enterprise models .

  21. 而随着社会的发展,学校,毕业生以及企业间维持紧密联系是十分必要的。

    With the development of society , schools , graduates as well as between enterprises to maintain close contact is essential .

  22. 中国的崛起让日本出口企业得以维持,但只有国内需求才会让日本经济免于崩盘。

    China 's rise has kept Japanese exporters afloat ; but it is domestic demand that will save Japan from drowning .

  23. 美国经济面临的一个更重要的长期问题是:一旦复苏走上正轨,企业能否维持较高的生产率增长?

    The more important long-term question for the economy is whether companies can sustain high productivity growth once the recovery is underway .

  24. 企业在维持高留存收益(即储蓄)的同时仍然依靠贷款进行超常规投资。

    Firms can have high retained earnings ( ie , saving ) yet still need to borrow if they invest more than they hoard .

  25. 企业为了维持可持续成长,对专用性资本尤其是专用性人力资本的投资和重构力度日益加大。

    In order to maintain sustainable growth , enterprises emphasis on specific capital investment and reconstruction increasingly , especially for specific human capital investment .

  26. 从创新主体的类型来看,工矿企业专利维持时间最长,个人次之,科研院所专利维持时间最短。

    In terms of innovation subject types , the patent maintenance times of enterprises are the longest , followed by individuals , institutes and universities .

  27. 一方面,企业要维持或扩大自己的市场份额,必需投入大量成本到营销组合的各因素中;

    On one hand , an enterprise must invest quiet a lot cost into the factors of marketing combination to maintain or enlarge its market share .

  28. 企业为了维持及提高竞争优势,信息技术与信息系统(IT/IS)应运而生。

    In order to sustain and reinforce their competitive advantage , enterprises apply Information Technology and Information System ( IT / IS ) to many fields .

  29. 单位劳动力成本的上涨速度一直快于出口价格上涨速度,因为汇率升高导致企业难以维持利润率。

    Unit labour costs have been rising more rapidly than export prices , because companies have been unable to maintain margins as the exchange rate has moved higher .

  30. 对不同形式的库存,企业如何维持合理的库存,又如何知道持有多少的库存是适当的,这些都是机械制造业企业库存控制与管理中突出存在的问题。

    How to maintain a reasonable stock , and how much inventory is appropriate for different forms of Stock , these are highlight problems in management and inventory control of machinery manufacturing enterprises .