
  • 网络enterprise flexibility
  1. 面对不确定性:基于主体内涵视角的企业柔性

    Facing Uncertainty : Enterprise Flexibility on the Basement of Intension of Agents

  2. 基于系统控制理论的企业柔性研究

    A Study of Enterprise Flexibility on the Basis of the Theory of System Control

  3. 网格(Grid)概念的提出为基于WEBService的企业柔性业务集成带来了新的途径。

    The emergence of grid brings a new way to implement Enterprise Flexible Composition Services ( EFCS ) system based on Web Service .

  4. 面向MC提升企业柔性的概念模型分析

    A Model and Analysis of Improving Flexibility Facing Mass Customization

  5. 随着Web服务的发展,网格概念的提出为基于Web服务的企业柔性业务集成开辟了新的途径,目的是试图实现互联网上所有资源的全面贯通,彻底消除资源孤岛。

    With the development of the Web service , the presentation of grid breaks a new path for enterprises ' flexible compositions . The purpose of grid is to implement the overall sharing of resources on Internet and eliminate the island of information completely .

  6. 该研究内容是国家863项目基于企业柔性集成的服务网格的研究中的部分内容,是EFCS原型系统中的重要组成部分。

    Our research work is a part of the study on enterprise flexible composition in service grid ; one of the nation 863 projects , and the data management system is an important component of Enterprise Flexible Composition Services ( EFCS ) .

  7. 讨论了信息技术已经成为构建企业柔性的重要基础,构建企业柔性必须基于信息技术。

    Information technology has been the important foundation of flexibility construction .

  8. 高技术虚拟企业柔性运营模式的构建方法

    Methods for establishing a flexible operation pattern of high-tech virtual enterprise

  9. 关于建设企业柔性管理文化的思考

    Reflections on Building up the Culture of Flexible Management in Enterprises

  10. 基于超竞争环境下的企业柔性战略研究

    Research on Flexible Strategy of Enterprises Based on the Hyper-competitive Environment

  11. 基于服务运营开放系统的服务企业柔性管理

    Flexible Management of Service Enterprise Based on Open System of Service Operation

  12. 我国建筑企业柔性化评价和管理研究

    The Flexible Evaluation and Management Research on Chinese Construction Enterprises

  13. 企业柔性战略的内涵及其模型

    Connotation and the Model of the Firm 's Flexible Strategy

  14. 基于动态能力观的企业柔性战略透视

    Research on Corporate Flexible Strategy Based on Dynamic Capability View

  15. 小企业柔性竞争策略研究

    A Study on Competitive Strategy and Flexibility for Small-sized Enterprises

  16. 现代企业柔性管理的形成机制分析

    Analysis on Formation Mechanism of Flexible Management in Modern Enterprises

  17. 我国国有企业柔性激励机制研究

    The Study on Flexible Motivational Mechanism of State-owned Enterprise of Our Country

  18. 老子守柔思想与企业柔性化管理

    Taoism 's Conciliatory Thought and Flexible Management of Enterprises

  19. 基于动态能力的高新技术企业柔性化管理

    Flexible Management of High-tech Company Based on Dynamic Capabilities

  20. 试论企业柔性的本质

    Try to Study the Nature of Flexibility about Enterprises

  21. 它从一定程度上决定了实现企业柔性制造自动化的进程,是制造业信息化的关键环节。

    It is a key segment in the process of manufacturing industry information .

  22. 论企业柔性价值的功能,成本与价值

    A study on enterprise function , cost and value

  23. 柔性文化:企业柔性战略的核心

    Flexible Culture : the Core of the Flexible Strategy

  24. 发电企业柔性工作流管理系统

    A flexible workflow management system for the power plant

  25. 企业柔性的经济效益度量法

    The Enterprise Flexibility Measurement of the Economic Efficiency

  26. 企业柔性的调度及其度量方法

    Enterprise 's Flexible Dispatch and Metrical Method

  27. 略论现代企业柔性&人性化管理

    On Flexibility-Human-based Management of Modern Enterprises

  28. 企业柔性资源的优化

    Optimization of Enterprise Flexible Resource

  29. 一个多品种小批量企业柔性成组生产计划系统的开发和应用

    The development and application of a flexible GT production plan system for small and medium lot-size firms with multiple products

  30. 最后,第五章以机械制造行业为背景,讨论了基于企业柔性的协同产品商务系统在机械制造企业的应用。

    And in chapter five , we analyze the application of CPC based on the enterprise flexibility in the manufacturing company .