
  • 网络belt line
  1. 最后通过RS-485总线与上位机进行数据传送,实现皮带线速度的远程高精度测量。

    The measured data are transmitted to host computer through RS-485 bus to realize remote high precise measurement for Linear velocity .

  2. 皮带线弗朗西斯死亡校车在追�

    Frances Beltline , the school bus of death is after you .

  3. 传输皮带线速度的在线测量对皮带运输系统的安全运行意义重大。

    On-line measurement of Linear velocity of conveyor belt is very important to run conveyor safely .

  4. 以光电式传感器为基础,介绍了一种新颖的皮带线速度测量方法。

    On the basis of photoelectric sensor , a new measuring method for Linear velocity of the belt is introduced .

  5. 使用了皮带生产线之后,“他们把装配一辆福特(Ford)ModelT汽车的时间从1913年的12小时30分钟缩短到了1914年的1小时33分钟。”

    With a conveyor belt production line , " they cut the time taken to assemble a Ford Model T from 12 hours and 30 minutes in 1913 to just one hour and 33 minutes the following year . "

  6. 直线回归法在煤矿运输皮带中心线标定中的应用探讨

    An Exploration to the Application of the Linear Regression Method in Demarcating the Belt Central Line of the Colliery Conveyer

  7. 龙滩大坝混凝土运输供料线系统由拌和楼出料皮带机和系统连接皮带机、3条高速皮带机供料线、3条负压溜槽和2台塔式布料机组成。

    The concrete delivery system for the dam is composed of mixer feeding conveyer , system connecting conveyer , 3 high-speed belt conveyer lines , 3 vacuum-chutes and 2 sets of tower crane placers .