
  • 网络pierce;Pearce;Paul Pierce;peirce;Charles Sanders Peirce
  1. 皮尔斯和雷阿伦间孩子气的赌气终于圆满结束。

    Paul Pierce & Ray Allen finally ended that childish ass beef .

  2. 好吧,雷阿伦和皮尔斯又做朋友。

    Ok . Ray Allen and Paul Pierce are frens again ! Yay .

  3. 皮尔斯仍旧坚定不移地说:“我没有碰过他。”

    Pearce remained adamant , saying ' I didn 't touch him '

  4. 失去皮尔斯将是一个巨大的打击。

    To be without Pearce would be a considerable blow

  5. 皮尔斯先生的一个前合伙人是这个计划的热心支持者之一。

    A former associate of Mr. Pierce 's was among the project 's boosters .

  6. 要是皮尔斯没生病,我们就赢了。我们失去了他这个优势。

    If Pearce had been fit , we would have won . We missed the cutting edge he would have given us .

  7. 公司雇用了总统的特别商业顾问去游说皮尔斯先生。

    The company hired the President 's special trade representative to lobby Mr. Pierce .

  8. 皮尔斯嘲笑她,讽刺地鞠了一躬。

    Pierce mocked her and bowed sarcastically .

  9. 我下定决心不在自己家房子里结婚,我想亲自走上婚礼的红毯。皮尔斯女士对Best杂志记者说道。

    ' I 'm determined not to have to get married at home . I want to be able to walk up the aisle , ' Ms Pierce told Best magazine .

  10. 所有的少数民族舞蹈剧团使得民族舞蹈戏剧化(罗伯特J.皮尔斯)

    All ethnic dance troupes theatricalize the dance of the folk ( Robert J.Pierce )

  11. 今年45岁的皮尔斯将以550万英镑的高新签约CNN来替代拉里?金。

    The45-year-old is within days of striking a ? 5.5million deal with network CNN to replace Larry King .

  12. 没错,皮尔斯Instagram的照片虽然已经表明他和雷阿伦间的问题得到解决。

    Yes , Pierce 's Instagram picture shows that he and Allen resolved their issues .

  13. 信息和数据分析公司IHSTechnology的游戏调研主管皮尔斯•哈丁-罗尔斯表示,如果任天堂将马里奥和其他小伙伴们移植到手机和平板电脑上,就可以在短期内增加公司的收入。

    Piers Harding-Rolls , director of games research at IHS technology , said that this could lead to short-term revenue growth as Mario and friends move to mobile devices and tablets .

  14. 也许是因为在过去的几个赛季,AI让保罗-皮尔斯黯淡无光,甚至羞辱了皮尔斯,或者是以前AI和三巨头当中的一大巨头或是两大巨头有过不快?

    Perhaps AI overshadowed Paul Pierce in the past seasons or even humiliated him or AI has unpleasant past with one or two of the Big Three ?

  15. 皮尔斯在Instagram上晒出她和阿伦的合照,这意味着他两间已冰释前嫌。

    Pierce posted a picture of himself and Allen on Instagram , which means those two resolved their issues .

  16. 设计这份测试资料的应用认知研究中心(CenterforAppliedCognitiveStudies)的研发总经理皮尔斯dinaJ.霍华德(PierceJ.Howard)称,自豪是一种重要的特质,但是谦逊在学术界或宗教界则更被看重。

    Pride is important , but humility is valued more in academic or religious settings , says Pierce J. Howard , managing director of research and development at the Center for Applied Cognitive Studies , which created the profile .

  17. 上周,英国资深媒体人皮尔斯•摩根(PiersMorgan)拥抱了一种丑陋的新思潮,他评论称自己只对金牌得主感兴趣。

    This week , Piers Morgan , a British journalist , embraced an ugly new ethos , when he commented that he was interested only in gold medal winners .

  18. 设计这份测试资料的应用认知研究中心(CenterforAppliedCognitiveStudies)的研发总经理皮尔斯dinaJ.霍华德(PierceJ.Howard)称,自豪是一种重要的特质,但是谦逊在学术界或宗教界则更被看重。

    Pride is important , but humility is valued more in academic or religious settings , says Pierce J. Howard , managing director of research and development at the Center for Applied Cognitive Studies , which created the profile . '

  19. NBC想留下他并给他提供重量级相当于他的ITV系类节目的新闻秀&皮尔斯?摩根生活故事。

    NBC wants him to stay and has offered him a show which would be the equivalent of his ITV series , Piers Morgan 's Life Stories .

  20. 这里还是不解释为什么满大人不同于其他反派了,因为此举会毁掉这个由德鲁•皮尔斯(DrewPearce)和导演共同撰写的剧本中为数不多的几个精彩意外情节之一。

    To explain why he 's unlike any other would spoil one of the few good surprises in the script , which was written by Drew Pearce and the director .

  21. 另一伦敦女帽设计师皮尔斯•阿特金森(PiersAtkinson)参照奶油蛋糕与樱桃形状,为墨尔本、迪拜以及本国的客户设计了妙趣横生、附庸风雅的帽子。

    Piers Atkinson , also based in London designs fun , arty hats in the shape of cream slices and cherries for customers in Melbourne , Dubai and Britain .

  22. 恐怖程度居中的是刚刚上映的由金伯利?皮尔斯(KimberlyPeirce)执导的《魔女嘉莉》(Carrie),它翻拍自从斯蒂芬?金(StephenKing)的小说改编而来、布赖恩?德帕尔马(BrianDePalma)1976年的经典影片。

    Somewhere in between on the carnage meter is the just-released ' Carrie , ' director Kimberly Peirce 's remake of the 1976 Brian De Palma classic , adapted from the Stephen King novel .

  23. 现役球员很难在波士顿凯尔特人这支有丰富底蕴的球队中获得一席之地,但是保罗·皮尔斯,凯文·加内特和雷·阿伦组成的“三巨头”做到了,他们联手赢得了2008年的NBA总冠军。

    It 's hard for players now to secure a place in the deep Boston Celtics lore , but Paul Pierce , Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen did earn their spot in Celtics history by winning the 2008 NBA title as the Big Three .

  24. IHSTechnology游戏分析主管皮尔斯•哈丁-罗尔斯(PiersHarding-Rolls)表示:OculusRift起初进展不太顺利,我们仍在谈论数十万台(的销量数字),而非数百万台。

    Oculus [ Rift ] has had a bit of a shaky start , says Piers Harding-Rolls , director of games analysis at IHS Technology . We 're still talking hundreds of thousands [ of units sold ] as opposed to millions .

  25. 这只熊猫和其他11位赫赫有名的女性一起入选BBC榜单,包括中弹的美国众议员加布丽埃勒·吉福兹、歌手阿黛尔和宝琳·皮尔斯,皮尔斯在伦敦北部骚乱时勇敢直面暴徒,视频传开后被冠以“哈克尼女英雄”的称号。

    The animal joins 11 other notable names on the BBC list including shot US Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords , singer Adele and Pauline Pearce - who was dubbed the heroine of Hackney after she was filmed standing up to rioters in north London .

  26. 创立于2006年的士亚商务咨询的联合创始人埃德•霍尔罗伊德•皮尔斯(EdHolroydPearce)认同这种批评。他预计,今年将从英国和美国派遣1800名学生到中国。

    Ed Holroyd Pearce , who co-founded CRCC Asia in 2006 and is expecting to send out 1,800 students from the UK and US to China this year , takes the criticism on board .

  27. 在Instagram上皮尔斯晒出他和雷阿伦合照,说到,是时候重修旧好了。无论曾经发生什么,我们曾一起形成的那份特殊情感,永不凋零。

    Pierce posted a picture of himself with Allen on his Instagram page , saying it 's " time to get the band back together . No matter what happened , we all formed a special bond that can never be broken . "

  28. Oller以皮尔斯的符号学理论为基础,将传统的图式划分标准扩展为三分法,从而使图式理论更趋完善和合理。

    Based on semiotic theory , Oller puts forward schema trichotomy , which is added abstract schema to the traditionally established content schema and formal schema .

  29. 用PARMELA对该注入器进行束流动力学研究,以确定皮尔斯引出结构的形状以及超导腔的同步相位。

    Through the simulation of particle dynamics with PARMELA , the shape of Pierce gun and the optimized synchronous phase of the SC cavity can be decided .

  30. JC:也有真的非常伟大的队友,格兰特-希尔让人难以置信,保罗-皮尔斯一如既往。我有过这些伟大的队友,特别是其中的那些老将,他们在很高的水准上获得了成功,这些年来他们都是我的领袖。

    Crawford : " There 's some great , great people . Grant Hill was unbelievable . Paul Pierce is great right now . I 've had some great teammates , especially great veteran guys that had high levels of success and that won championships , leading the way over the years . "