
  • 网络dermatology;dermatological
  1. 美国皮肤医学会杂志去年发表的一项研究表明,和上世纪70年代相比,2004年女性胸部患黑色素瘤(最致命的皮肤癌)的比率更高了。

    Women were more likely to develop melanoma ( the most deadly form of skin cancer ) on their chests in 2004 than they were in the 1970s , according to a study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology last year .

  2. 不过,来自加利福尼亚大学的医学博士、皮肤医学专家LilyTalakoub建议说,与其整个夏季为此不安,不如行动起来,预防皮肤癌。

    But instead of stressing your way through summer , take action to build up your skin-cancer defense , suggests dermatology expert Lily Talakoub , M.D. , at the University of California , San Francisco .

  3. 这是《皮肤医学和外科学杂志》的网页。

    This is the webpage of Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery .

  4. 大连医科大学兼职副教授,资深皮肤医学美容专家。

    Dalian Medical University associate adjunct professor , senior medical skin beauty expert .

  5. 根据美国皮肤医学会的说法,上午10点到下午4点的阳光是最强烈的,在这个时段保护自己非常关键。

    According to the American Academy of Dermatology , The sun is at its harshest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. , so it 's crucial to protect yourself during those hours .

  6. 和她的同事在皮肤科医学同意。

    And her colleagues in the field of dermatological medicine agree .

  7. 烧伤皮肤再生医学护理教学法

    Method for teaching of the nursing work in burn skin regeneration medicine

  8. 皮肤再生医学治疗大面积烧伤病人的护理要点

    Key points in the nursing of large area burn patients treated with skin regenerative medical technique

  9. 从烧伤外科植皮治疗学到烧伤皮肤再生医学泪囊鼻腔造口植皮术治疗慢性泪囊炎

    From Burns Surgery Skin Grafting Technique to Burns Regenerative Medicine Skin grafting with dacryocystorhinostomy in chronic dacryocystitis

  10. 结论:本文通过对78例大面积烧伤病人应用皮肤再生医学新技术治疗护理,预防和及时抢救休克,做好休克期护理,是挽救患者生命和后续治疗成功的保证。

    Conclusion : Timely and effective preventing and treating measures in association with proper nursing work at the shock stage is the guarantee of the success of saving the life of the patients and subsequent treatment .

  11. 在第一部分内容中,结合烧伤临床实践,作者详细阐述了潜能再生细胞的理论基础和应用价值,以及以该理论为核心思想形成的烧伤皮肤再生医学的主要内容。

    In the first section , Prof. Xu , on the basis of clinical practice in burns , explained the basic theory and the application value of potential regenerative cells in detail , as well as the content of skin regenerative medicine on burns .

  12. 在美容皮肤病与医学皮肤病患者中精神药物的使用率:一项比较研究

    Prevalence of psychotropic medication use among cosmetic and medical dermatology patients : A comparative study

  13. 总之,糖尿病患者并发皮肤病值得医学工作者的广泛重视。

    All in all , prevalence of skin disorders among diabetic is worthy of being paid close attention by the health workers widely .

  14. 头颈部皮肤红外热图的医学研究

    Studies of Infra - thermogram of the Head and Neck

  15. 因此,预防和延缓皮肤衰老成为当今医学研究的热点与焦点之一。

    Therefore , prevent and delay skin aging have became one of the hot spots and focuses in present medical research .

  16. 湿疹是一种以皮疹特征命名的常见的过敏性炎症性皮肤病,现代医学对其发病机理尚未完全阐明。

    Eczema is a kind of common anaphylaxis inflammation skin disease that named after its cutaneous rash feature . Modern medical science pathogens and pathogenesis mechanism have not been expounded completely .

  17. 这就导致死皮细胞堆积,从而导致皮肤暗沉,医学博士朱迪思·赫尔曼解释道。朱迪思·赫尔曼是纽约市西奈山医院皮肤科的临床教授。

    This can cause dead skin cells to accumulate , and the result is a dull-looking complexion , explains Judith Hellman , M.D. , associate clinical professor of dermatology at New York City 's Mount Sinai Hospital .

  18. 延缓和治疗皮肤老化一直是医学研究的重点问题。与传统的嫩肤方法相比,激光非磨削嫩肤技术既不损伤皮肤表皮,又能减轻皮肤皱纹,因而成为美容医学研究的一个热点。

    Compared to traditional methods for wrinkle reduction , laser non-ablative rejuvenation can improve aged structural changes in skin without damage of the epidermis , so it becomes a major topic of interest in the aesthetic medicine .

  19. 并讨论了皮肤的主要力学性质,对皮肤力学在医学临床上的应用作了简介。

    The mechanical models and the main mechanical properties are discussed . Finally , the application of skin mechanics to clinical practice is briefly reviewed .

  20. 对于皮肤病的诊断和治疗,共聚焦激光扫描显微镜是非常有前景的技术,它为皮肤科学的发展开辟了广阔前景,促进了皮肤病学的医学研究和临床治疗。

    Confocal laser scanning microscopy is a promising technology for diagnosis and treatment of the skin disease .