
  • 网络moisture lotion;moisturizer;Moisturizing lotion;shiseido
  1. 作为你的抗衰老,你会想要将保湿乳液。

    As part of your antiaging , you will want to include a moisturizer .

  2. 露得清(Neutrogena)销售的4盎司面部保湿乳液每瓶只卖12.99美元,它去年的销售额增长1.3%。

    Neutrogena , whose 4 oz. bottle of facial moisturizer costs $ 12.99 , saw sales increase 1.3 % last year .

  3. 每天早晨使用面部保湿乳液,让你的脸部皮肤清新光滑。

    Use a facial moisturizer each morning to keep your face feeling fresh and smooth .

  4. 不是所有的保湿乳液都是一样的,一些就不适合你的肌肤。

    Not all moisturizers are created equally , and some do not belong on your face .

  5. 因为面部肌肤更加敏感,而且也比身体其他地方更容易滋长粉刺和干燥,用特别为脸部设计的保湿乳液。

    Because facial skin is much more sensitive and far more prone to acne or drying than skin in other areas , use a moisturizer specifically created for the face .

  6. 功效:触感柔滑,易与肌肤渗透融合,能令肌肤保持盈润饱满的超保湿乳液。

    Product efficacy : This feels smooth , an ultra moisturizer emulsion , penetrates with the skin easily , can always keep the skin preserves one 's achievements the tender .

  7. 几分钟后,待脸上的盐水干透呈白粉时状时,用温水将脸洗净,涂上保湿乳液或继续正常的护肤步骤。

    A few minutes later , to be the face of a white powder when the drip-dry , with warm water to wash face , moisturizing emulsion painted or continue normal skin care steps .

  8. 如果真要洗澡,记得使用温热水,并在洗澡过后立刻在脸上和身上涂上保湿营养乳液。

    When you do shower , use lukewarm water and apply moisturizing lotion to your face and body immediately after .

  9. 冬天也会造成皮肤晒伤,特别是去滑雪的时候。所以要选择一款既有防晒作用又富含维他命E等天然保湿剂的乳液。

    Sunburn can occur during winter . Especially if you 're on the ski slopes , so select a moisturizer that contains both a sunscreen and natural humectant like , vitamin E.

  10. 洗过脸后,将一些保湿的乳霜或乳液放在手指肚上,轻轻搓开并使其温热,再以朝上和朝外的方向涂抹到脸部和颈部。

    After completing your cleansing routine apply some hydrating cream or lotion to your finger pads , gently rub together to warm it and apply to the face and neck in upward and outward movements .