
  • 【电工】protection height
  1. 太平洋岛屿国家还重申在西部及中部太平洋为有效管理并保护高度洄游鱼类种群加强地区性团结。

    The Pacific islands also reaffirmed regional solidarity for effective management and conservation of highly migratory fish stocks in the western and central Pacific Ocean .

  2. 我们对野生动物保护加以高度重视的时候到了。

    It is high time that we laid great emphasis on the wildlife protection .

  3. 因此,越来越多的国际组织、国家与地区对个人信息保护给予高度重视。

    Therefore , an increasing international organizations , countries and regions developed the law to protect personal information .

  4. 对企业声誉风险和敏感数据保护的高度关注还促使企业加强内部安全控制。

    Heightened focus on business-reputation risk and sensitive data protection is also driving closer internal scrutiny of controls .

  5. 这种形势,迫切要求我们必须从理论和实践上对自然资源和环境的保护给予高度重视。

    This situation urgently shows that we should make more efforts to give high priority over natural resources and environmental protection both in theory and in practice .

  6. 关于北京旧城保护规划中高度控制的思考

    Pondering upon the Height Control in the Preservation Planning for Beijing Old City

  7. 各单位之间建立了紧密联系,所提供的保护工作获得高度评价。

    Good rapport was built among all parties and the protection service provided was highly regarded .

  8. 因此,建筑垃圾的再生利用已受到世界各国建筑行业和环境保护部门的高度重视。

    Therefore , attention has been paid greatly the reuse of construction wastes by building industry and environmental protection department of all countries in the world .

  9. 眼睛的有效保护机制与高度敏感性促使人们探索开发更安全、合理的给药系统,同时又限制了许多药剂学手段的应用,为此类剂型的设计带来了极大的挑战。

    The sensitivity and protection mechanisms of the eye promote more effective drug delivery systems with better compliancy to be developed . However , the applications of numerous pharmaceutical methods are limited simultaneously , which presents a great challenge in designing ophthalmic dosage forms .

  10. 在进行户外活动时,应如上所述,保护他们避免紫外线高度暴露。婴儿应始终呆在阴凉处。

    During outdoor activities , they should be protected from high UV exposure as above , and babies should always remain in the shade .

  11. 研究结果不但对维持自然保护区内的高度生物多样性非常重要,亦为管理米埔的人员提供更多知识,有助改善管理技术。

    This is vital not only to ensure that the high biodiversity value found within the nature reserve is maintained , but also increased through knowledge of better management techniques .

  12. 西方发达国家更是将商标保护提到了战略高度,并且形成了相关的保护理论体系,以推动企业实现商标价值。

    Western developed countries even put the trademark protection to the strategic level and have formed the relevant theoretical system , in order to promote enterprises to realize the value of trademark .

  13. 变电站自动化工程中的继电保护信息处理为高度和生产管理现代化服务,其中继电保护运行信息具有一定的实时性要求,它对变电站数据采集服务器提出了更高的性能要求。

    Modern SA demands that the information of relay-protection should be more real-time . With that , the substation intelligent data acquisition and management server should be developed with more advanced performances .

  14. 本文尝试从三个层面(城市分区建筑高度控制、通视走廊建筑高度控制、文物保护单位周边建筑高度控制)对西安明城区高度前期控制情况进行后期评价。

    The paper expected to evaluate after divide three levels ( city subarea building height control , sight corridor height control , historic relics unit peripheral building of high control ) expect to evaluate the circumstance of old city after height control carry on .

  15. 从保护生态环境的高度出发,指出我国家具工业虽得到了长足地发展,但给生态环境造成较大的污染,家具企业只有开创绿色家具产业,才能走持续发展的道路。

    This paper indicates that Chinese furniture production industry has made big progress , but it also bring strong pollution to environment . It is the only way to develop environment friendly furniture products for furniture production enterprises so as to keep sustainable development .

  16. 因此,我们的研究方案非常适用于无线网络环境中。其次,信息系统安全等级保护已受到国家高度重视,专家学者们也在不断对其进行研究,尤其是在渗透测试攻击方面。

    Thus , the scheme we are studying is very suitable for using in the wireless network . Secondly , governments have paid much attention on information system security classified protection , and experts and scholars also studied it steeply , especially in the respect of penetration attack .

  17. 设有过载保护、断绳保护、工作高度保护等多重安全保护装置。

    Safety device include : overload protection , wirerope break protection , height limit protection .

  18. 低压电网的漏电保护已经引起我国各用电部门及劳动保护部门的高度重视,建立科学的完善的漏电保护体系已迫在眉睫。

    The residual current protect of the low-pressure eletricity net has been highly regarded by the electric department , a scientific and full-classed residual protect system is highly recommended .

  19. 由于云南地理位置特殊,鱼类多样性的研究及保护状况不仅在国内具有重要地位,对下游地区或国家也影响极大。因此,应引起国内、外生物学界和保护组织的高度重视。

    Because its special location , the study and conservation of fish diversity of Yunnan are very important not only for China , but for neighboring districts and countries .