
  • 网络Protecting vision;Vision protection;Protect Your Eyesight
  1. DHA具有促进大脑发育、保护视力、降血脂及防动脉硬化等多种生物学功能,近年来逐渐成为人们研究的焦点。

    DHA has been gradually become the investigative focus in recent years for its biological functions of improving cerebrum growth , protecting vision , dropping blood-fat and preventing arteria sclerosis .

  2. 其中α-亚麻酸(18:3Δ9,12,15,ALA)又是DHA和EPA的前体,是人体必需脂肪酸,具有增强智力、提高记忆力、保护视力、预防心肌梗塞、降低血脂等生理功能。

    Of them , α - linolenic acid ( 18:3A9,12,15 ) is the precursor of DHA and EPA . It is the necessary for human body , and has physiological function in improving intelligence and rememberance , as well as in protecting eyesight , preventing myocardial infarction and hyperlipemia .

  3. 另外,鸡蛋含所有人类需要的维生素B:B1,B2,B3,B5,B6,B12,胆碱,生物素,叶酸。胆碱已被证实能提高记忆力,而鸡蛋里的两种蛋白质——叶黄素和玉米黄质,有助于保护视力。

    In addition , eggs contain all the essential B vitamins : B1 , B2 , B3 , B5 , B6 , B12 , choline , biotin , and folic acid . Choline has been shown to protect your memory , while two proteins in eggs -- lutein and zeaxanthin -- protect against vision loss .

  4. 应该小心保护视力。矫正视力或保护眼睛用护目镜

    Eyesight should be carefully preserved . goggles , corrective or protective

  5. 我们做眼保健操来保护视力。

    We do the eye exercise to preserve our eyesight .

  6. 做眼保健操在保护视力方面很有功效。

    Doing eye exercises works well in protecting our eyesight .

  7. 保护视力的首要注意点就是要科学用眼。

    The first priority should go to the scientific use of eyes .

  8. 在家主动保护视力,少看电视。

    Watch less TV and take care of your own eyes initiatively .

  9. 减少环境光线对视力的干扰,保护视力健康。

    Reduce the environment ray disturbance to sight , protect sight health .

  10. 每人都应注意保护视力。

    Everyone should pay attention to preserving his own eyesight .

  11. 加强保护视力与阅读卫生教育问题

    Strengthen the instruction of eyesight protecting and reading hygiene

  12. 我真的认为是时候采取措施保护视力了。

    I do think it 's time that something should be done to protect our eye-sight .

  13. 应该小心保护视力。

    Eyesight should be carefully preserved .

  14. 他们向任何从来没见过的东西吐口水是因为他们相信这样做可以保护视力。

    They spit at anything they 've never seen before because they believe doing so protects their eyesight .

  15. 教育少年儿童在日常生活中坚持每天做眼保健操,注意保护视力。

    Education young children in daily life every day to do eye exercises , pay attention to protect eyesight .

  16. 一种能保护视力的写字板。它特别适宜小学生使用。

    Disclosed is an eyesight protective writing board , which is in particular suitable for the use of the pupil .

  17. 胆碱已被证实能提高记忆力,而鸡蛋里的两种蛋白质&叶黄素和玉米黄质,有助于保护视力。

    Choline has been shown to protect your memory , while two proteins in eggs lutein and zeaxanthin protect against vision loss .

  18. 良好的视力功能是儿童少年顺利地进行阅读、书写以及进行各项活动的先决条件,鉴于此,保护视力预防近视必须从小学阶段开始,抓小、抓早、抓好。

    Good visual function is a prerequisite for reading and writing as well as for all kinds of activities in children and adolescents .

  19. 纸质书是居家必备,虽然是“大块头”占地方,但是保护视力、方便做笔记的优点无可比拟,电子书、纸质书都是书,各有利弊,相互补充才是硬道理。

    Print books are good for eyes and convenient to take notes in spite of heavy weight and a lot of space needed .

  20. 此外,定期检查视力、对自己的视力有一定的了解也是保护视力的好办法。

    Moreover , you should have regular checks of your eyesight so as to have a certain understanding of your own power of vision .

  21. 同时对学生视力下降的主要原因进行了分析,并提出了相应的保护视力的对策。

    After making an analysis of the main causes of vision impairment of students , the author proposes some measures to protect the vision of students .

  22. 近年来研究发现,其具有保护视力、预防动脉硬化、抗氧化、抗癌等作用,极具商业开发价值。

    The recent researches found that the lutein has some functions such as protecting eyesight , preventing arteriosclerosis , antioxidation and anticarcinogenesis with great commercial development values .

  23. 保护视力,刻不容缓,应引起学校、老师及家长的高度重视。(3)肥胖和营养不良问题并存,并影响我县青少年学生的健康成长。

    Schools , teachers and parents should take high attention . ( 3 ) Obese problem and malnutrition problem both existed and influence the healthy growth of students in our county .

  24. 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,医学家称,胡萝卜不仅有益于保护视力,而且可以降低患心脏病的几率,防治癌症。

    Carrots are supposed to be good for eyesight , but now doctors say they reduce the risks of suffering from heart disease and can protect against cancer , the Daily Telegraph reports .

  25. 研究人员表示让儿童在明亮的户外活动、上课和休息可能是保护他们视力最好的方法。

    The researchers say getting children outside in bright light for classes and break time may be the best way of protecting their vision .

  26. 印发该通知意在保护学生视力,让学生在学校专心学习,防止沉迷网络和游戏。

    The notice aims to protect students ' eyesight , make sure they focus on study and prevent them from becoming addictive to the internet and online games .

  27. 学校教室的采光照明问题是保护学生视力健康的重要部分。2004年我国重新修订了国家标准《建筑照明设计标准》GB50034-2004。

    The daylighting and lighting of classrooms are important elements to students ' eye health condition and the national standard , GB 50034-2004 , is revised in 2004 . This article investigates and analyse the daylighting and lighting conditions of some classrooms in Beijing .

  28. 关于保护大学生视力的研究与实践

    The Research on Protecting the College Student 's Eyesight

  29. 我们必须保护好视力。

    Eg. we must preserve our eyesight .

  30. 目的探索尽早发现学龄前儿童弱视的最佳检查方法,以保护儿童视力。

    Objective To explore the examination way to early finding amblyopia in preschool children , and to protect children 's eyesight .