
dī rè liànɡ yǐn shí
  • low-calory diet
  1. 目的:研究手术减肥配合低热量饮食治疗对肥胖患者血清C反应蛋白(CRP)水平的影响。

    Aim : To study the effects of weight reducing by operation combined with hypocaloric diet on plasm C reactive protein ( CRP ) level in obese patients .

  2. 作者报道了15例肥胖性脂肪肝的CT表现,对其中5例实行了控制饮食(低热量饮食)3个月后复查CT随访观察。

    The authors analysed the CT features of 15 cases of obesity-related fatty liver . CT scans were repeated in 5 cases and follow-up observations were carried out after diet control ( low-calorie diet ) for three months .

  3. 所有这些实验对象在本研究中都进食低热量饮食。

    All of the subjects ate a low-calorie diet during the study .

  4. 极低热量饮食对体外受精结局的影响

    Effect of a very-low-calorie diet on in vitro fertilization outcomes

  5. 你在向我推销低热量饮食

    You 've almost got me sold on going lowcarb .

  6. 中、低热量饮食,中等量运动和二甲双胍治疗青少年肥胖病人初探

    Low-medium caloric diet , moderate athletics and metformin in treatment of juvenile fatness

  7. 正因为此,人们往往会发现在坚持标准的低热量饮食时,减肥变得越来越困难了。

    And that makes weight loss progressively more and more difficult on a standard low calorie diet .

  8. 后一篇>非常低热量饮食

    Very low calorie diets

  9. 一个合理的时间长度是通过6个月实现减重10%,通过低热量饮食来实现。

    A reasonable timeline for reducing body weight by 10 % is 6 months , using a reduced-calorie diet .

  10. 2009年萨科奇曾在一次艰苦的慢跑锻炼中晕倒,有些人将这归咎于他的低热量饮食。

    Some blamed the low-calorie diet on Mr Sarkozy collapsing in 2009 during one of his gruelling daily jogs .

  11. 治疗期间注意低热量饮食以增加减肥效果。

    In order to enhance the clinical effects , low calorie controlled diets in the course of treatment is suggested .

  12. 目的:探讨中、低热量饮食,中等量运动和二甲双胍治疗青少年肥胖的疗效。

    AIM : To explore the effect of low medium caloric diet , moderate athletics and metformin for juvenile simple obesity .

  13. 低热量饮食,有益于心血管的运动和有氧运动相结合,坚持步行,成功地拥有更加平坦的腹部。

    Successfully walk your way to a flatter stomach by combining a reduced-calorie diet , cardiovascular exercise , and toning exercises .

  14. 结论低铁饮食治疗能显著降低糖尿病肾病患者铁负荷,配合低热量饮食治疗,能明显延缓糖尿病肾病的进展。

    Conclusion Low iron diet can decrease the body iron load significantly , and low iron and low calories diet treatment can slow the progression of diabetic nephropathy significantly .

  15. 研究目标:此项研究的目的是确定达到同样的减肥效果胃旁路手术所致肠促胰岛素水平的变化以及影响与低热量饮食相比是否更显著。

    Objective : To determine whether the magnitude of the change of the incretin levels and effect is greater after GBP compared to a low caloric diet , after equivalent weight loss .

  16. 方法选取2型糖尿病患者100例随机分为2组,实验组采用超低热量饮食和超大量有氧运动,而对照组采用传统的药物和饮食运动治疗。

    Methods 100 diabetic patients was randomized into two groups , the studied group was applied with lower carol diet and intensive oxygen-exercise while the controlled group adopted traditional therapy combined with diet and exercise .

  17. 别忘了一顿寿司午餐包含两到三个这种寿司卷,总热量达到1050卡路里,这样很容易可以看出,我们以为吃寿司午餐是在享用低热量健康饮食,其实是在自欺欺人。

    Bear in mind a sushi lunch contains two or three of these rolls , a total of up to 1050 calories , and it 's easy to see how we 're conning ourselves that we 're enjoying a low-calorie , healthy lunch .

  18. 配合低卡路里、低热量饮食、运动,直到达到理想减重目标即可。

    Use with a reduced-calorie , low-fat diet and exercise program until you reach your weight loss goal .

  19. 每个人对饮食控制(比如低碳水化合物或低热量饮食)以及锻炼和减肥药物等各种干预的反应是不同的。

    Individuals respond differently to diet manipulations - low-carbohydrate or low-calorie diets , for example - and to exercise and weight-loss drugs , among other interventions .