
jǐn mì
  • close together;inseparable;rapid and intense;thick and fast
紧密 [jǐn mì]
  • (1) [inseparable]∶连得很紧,不可分隔

  • (2) [rapid and intense]∶数量多且连续不断

  • 雨点紧密

紧密[jǐn mì]
  1. 体育运动最大的益处在于它使整个家庭紧密地团结在一起。

    The best thing about sport is that it knits the whole family close together

  2. 然而,如果你将这样一个头状花序分解开来,就会发现,它其实由许多独立的小花构成,它们全部生长在花茎的垫状顶部,彼此紧密依靠在一起。

    But if you pull one of these flower-heads to pieces , you will find that it is really made up of a great many small separate flowers , which all grow close together on the cushion-shaped top of the flower-stalk .

  3. 这所学院与其他许多的机构有着紧密的联系。

    The college has close links with many other institutions .

  4. 我们希望学生家长和学校有更加紧密的合作。

    We would like to see closer cooperation between parents and schools .

  5. 这出歌剧把爱与死的主题紧密结合在一起。

    The opera twins the themes of love and death .

  6. 在公众的心目中,他总是和恐怖电影紧密联系在一起。

    He is closely associated in the public mind with horror movies .

  7. 教育界与产业界之间应该有更紧密的联系。

    There should be closer links between education and industry .

  8. 欧洲的对外政策和美国的紧密相扣。

    Europe 's foreign policy is inextricably linked with that of the US .

  9. 政府和教师就新的课程进行了紧密协作。

    The government worked in close collaboration with teachers on the new curriculum .

  10. 这场危机促使整个党紧密地团结在一起。

    The crisis helped to weld the party together .

  11. 他们的政治生涯已经紧密地结合在一起了。

    Their political careers had become closely intertwined .

  12. 这两门学科紧密相连。

    The two subjects are closely connected .

  13. 提高工资和通货膨胀紧密相关。

    Pay increases are tied to inflation .

  14. 去年发生的一些事让整个社会紧密团结在一起。

    Events over the last year have created a close-knit community .

  15. 他在任州长期间与总统紧密合作。

    He had worked closely with the President during his governorship .

  16. 宗教对她来说是与生活本身紧密联系在一起的。

    Religion was for her inextricably linked with life itself .

  17. 他把个人回忆录与英国电视的故事紧密结合在一起。

    He intertwines personal reminiscences with the story of British television

  18. 与里根政府日益紧密的关系差点让他失去了连任的机会。

    His increasing alignment with the Reagan administration nearly cost him re-election .

  19. 编织紧密的布最适合作画。

    Fabrics with a close weave are ideal for painting .

  20. 我的社交生活和工作联系紧密。

    My social life and business life are closely tied .

  21. 奇怪的是,他的婚外恋倒使我们之间的关系更加紧密了。

    In a strange way , his affair caused our relationship to strengthen .

  22. 将他们紧密联系在一起的纽带正在弱化。

    The ties that bind them together are loosening .

  23. 或然性和自由意志这两个哲学问题是紧密相关的。

    The philosophical problems of chance and of free will are closely related .

  24. 两国都在寻求与西方国家建立更为紧密的联系。

    Both nations are seeking closer links with the West

  25. 他认为和萨拉的关系很紧密,足以推心置腹。

    He felt he had a relationship strong enough to talk frankly to Sarah

  26. 魁北克和法国一向关系特别紧密。

    Quebec has always had particularly close ties to France

  27. 把研究与市场运作紧密结合起来将成为弗劳德先生的工作任务。

    Meshing the research and marketing operations will be Mr. Furlaud 's job .

  28. 疼痛和紧张之间有着紧密的联系。

    There is a close connection between pain and tension

  29. 该地居民紧密抱团,狭隘排外。

    Its inhabitants are a close and incestuous lot

  30. 我和她的命运紧密相连。

    My fate was bound up with hers